Punishing Him Mentally

Damon held my hand in his as he led us to a private room in the club. His face was stone cold as we moved along. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I didn't have a good feeling about this. Justin had really pissed him off this time.

One of the body guards opened the door to the room and we stepped inside. Damon and I sat on a sofa in the dark colored room. Justin sat opposite of us on the other side of a coffee table. I could see in Justin's face how angry he was.

The tension between the two men was so thick. Damon and Justin stared daggers into each other. I don't know what was keeping them from brawling with each other right here. I glanced around the room as it was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"So, I assume you heard about the contract I just signed?" Damon's lips curled into a sardonic smile.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for fucking me over yet again." Justin's answer was filled with sarcasm.

Damon chuckled menacingly. "Did you really not see it coming? You're a lot of things Justin but I didn't think you were stupid."

Justin shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?" He wasn't going to admit to anything.

"I know what you and that bitch of a sister of mine did. Did you two really think Kaydence and I wouldn't figure it out?" Damon's tone was as cold as ice.

"What are you talking about?" Justin still was refusing to own up to it.

"Bullshit!" Damon raised his voice but collected himself and lowered it. "The picture and sending that man to watch Kaydence and then have him attack her. Don't forget I have people to look into things like this, I know you put Xavier in our system."

Justin kept his straight face. "I still don't know what you're talking about.."

"Hold him down." Damon directed the security guards.

There were four guards total, two of them grabbed Justin and threw him down onto the table and held him there. One of the other guards locked the door and stood in front of it to keep anyone from trying to enter it. Damon got up from the sofa and headed towards a bucket covered with a cloth. "Open his shirt." He ordered the last guard.

"What are you doing?" I could hear a hint of fear in Justin's voice.

"Let's play a game Justin." Damon's tone was malicious.

He grabbed the bucket and removed the cloth. He picked it up and brought it over, I could hear something moving around inside of it. Damon took me, and clearly Justin, by surprise when he pulled a rat out by it's tail. He placed it on Justin's exposed chest and covered it with the bucket.

"Get it off of me!" Justin hollered in protest.

The guard who had cut Justin's shirt open had put on a glove and handed Damon a blow torch. I watched Justin's face turn to a look of pure fear. Damon's icy blue eyes were filled with nothing but coldness. I was scared to see what he was planning to do.

Damon lit the blow torch to the metal bucket as the rat cried out inside for escape. "See Justin, the game is this." he stopped the blow torch. "Either you're going to admit to what you did and I'll have the rat removed. If you don't, it's only got one way it's going to go. Through you."

"You're fucking crazy!" Justin spat trying to hide his fear.

"Not the answer we're looking for Justin." Damon responded and lit the torch again. "You have until the rat goes quiet, once he does that he'll start going to work on you."

I watched in shock at the scene that was in front of me. I didn't know the extent of how bad Damon could really be when someone had crossed him. I didn't recognize the man before me, how could he be so ruthless but yet so loving? He had made the comment before when Justin had tried attacking me that I didn't want to know the details. He had said the same thing about Xavier as well.

The scene didn't last long before the fear made Justin cave. His face was pale white as he finally admitted to his wrongdoing. "Fine it was me! Please stop it Damon!"

Damon unlit the torch and backed away. "That wasn't so hard now was it?"

Justin was hyperventilating and sweating bullets. I knew he had a fear of Damon when we were together but I've never seen him like this. Justin had gone too far so in return Damon went farther with a punishment.

"I didn't know he would attack her. I didn't give him that order. It was my mom who told him to deal with Kaydence how he saw fit." Justin explained through breaths.

"Remove the rat." Damon ordered the guard who held the bucket.

The guard did as directed and removed the rat completely from the room. After the guard at the door shut and locked it again Damon allowed Justin to be freed. Once Justin had stood up Damon walked to him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Don't fuck with my relationship again, or next time I'll let it eat through you." Damon's words were filled with threat.

Justin glanced at me and back to Damon. "Understood."

"Not a word goes to Martin either." Damon still glared at Justin.

Justin nodded. "Okay."

"Come on Kaydence." That was Damon's hint he was ready to go.

I hurried to his side, I didn't want to upset him when Justin already had him pissed off enough. He grabbed my hand tightly and led us out of the room. I felt uncomfortable at what I had just witnessed in there. I didn't expect him to go that far, especially with me there.

"Damon." I stopped us from walking down the hallway any further.

He looked at me, the devilish cold look he had in the room was completely gone. The man I was used to was back. "What is it Love?"

"Would you have really let that eat through him?" I asked hesitantly, I was afraid of the answer.

Damon sighed. "No. I wouldn't have. It was just a tactic to scare him, a way of punishing him mentally. That's harder to recover from then the few scratches on his chest."

"Oh, okay." I responded lowly.

He could sense I was uneasy and that I had a little fear myself. He wrapped an arm around me and caressed my cheek with his free hand.

"Don't be afraid Love. I know it was extreme and I probably shouldn't have let you be present. But if he's truly as scared as he seemed to be then they'll leave us alone." He looked me sincerely in the eyes as he spoke. His face was much softer than it was minutes before.

I tried to shake off the mixed feelings I had. I understood his reasoning, but it still felt like it had been a little too extreme. It now made sense on why Damon was feared, he was a tyrant in business and ruthless with his punishments.