I Can't Help Someone Who Doesn't Want It

"I just want to look at your dresses. I seem to not have one for the event this weekend. What do you have?" Victoria asked.

"Nothing that would fit you. I don't have the size bitch unfortunately." I sarcastically smiled.

"Is that anyway to talk to your customers Kaydence? Man I'd hate to have to tell everyone about the poor customer service here." She spoke in a bratty tone.

"There are many stores that you can find a dress in and you happen to come to mine. I don't buy it for a second that you're only here for a dress." I folded my arms across my dress. "So what do you want Victoria?"

"Maybe I wanted to be nice and give your little shop some promotion since I do have some social media influence. Is that so wrong?" She tried to be nice but I could tell her tone was fake.

"I don't need any shout out from you." I responded. "How about you just go to one of the usual places you'd shop so you know the item is up to your standards. I'd hate for you to get something from here and complain about it later."

"Do you think I'd do that to my future family member?" She asked as she pretended to be offended at my words.

"Future family member? Last I checked I had a ring and you didn't." I pointed to the emerald ring on my hand.

"Ha! Shows how little you know." She scoffed. "Justin and I have been talking about marriage. He plans to propose after he gets the president spot of the company."

"Um, who said he was getting it? Last time I checked that was Damon's decision once he gets the company. Or did Justin forget that?" I asked.

"Justin knows what he's doing. I'm not worried." She mockingly smiled.

That was enough confirmation that he wasn't just sitting by and behaving himself. He was up to something but that was to be expected. Damon had thought that maybe there was something going on but he had nothing to go off of. It wasn't much information but it was enough to keep an eye on him.

"I have the right to refuse service to anyone, looks like this is the first time I'll be using that right today. Leave please." I responded coldly.

"Fine. I'd hate to wear something with such low quality anyway." She sneered as she began to turn away.

I watched her turn around but something had caught my attention. My eyes locked onto a bruise on the backside of her leg. The dress she was wearing wasn't long enough to cover it "Victoria." I called for her, my tone much softer.

"What?" She rolled her eyes as she turned back around.

"Your leg." I motioned to which one I had seen the bruise on. "What happened?"

"I just bumped it on something. Why would you care?" She asked.

"Because I know how Justin's temper is." I answered with genuine concern.

My tone must've set something off for her. "Listen you little bitch, unlike you I'm a good girlfriend. I'm not trash like you so he doesn't feel the need to put his hands on me. Since you're so nosey," she walked closer. "I bumped it while he and I were having sex. Because I'm good enough he didn't have to turn to other women to please him."

I held my hands up. "That's your business, not mine. I was just trying to be helpful in case you needed something."

"I don't need anything from you. We're happy, thanks." She responded and stormed out of the store.

"Do you buy that at all?" Julie asked as she had watched the exchange happen.

"After the way she reacted when I brought him up, not for a second." I answered, still looking at the door she had left through.

"Are you going to do anything?" Julie questioned further, she also knew first hand how Justin's anger could be from the time he had choked her.

"What can I do? I can't help someone who doesn't want it." I looked down at the counter and then to Julie. "He won't do anything too extreme as long as he wants to stay in Martin's good graces."

A few hours later it was time to close the store. I took home the dress I had just finished working on so I could wear it for tomorrow. Damon was still not home when I arrived, he was busy as expected. I knew he was trying to get the hotel ballroom ready for the event. I hurried to the room and hung the dress up in the closet.

I then left the room and proceeded to go to the kitchen where Rose was working on some soup. "Are you hungry dear? Mr. Tipton advised me to have this ready for your arrival."

"Yes. I'll just eat it in here." I smiled. It was just me so no need to go to the dining room.

She placed a bowl on the kitchen island where there was a stool for me to sit on. I had eaten the lunch Damon provided earlier but finishing my dress and going back and forth with Victoria must've worked up my appetite. I sat down and ate the bowl of soup quickly.

Rose chuckled after seeing me finished. "Would you like more?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine thank you. I'm going to head up and get to bed. I'm pretty tired and want to be rested for the event tomorrow." I answered.

"Okay, goodnight dear." Rose smiled.

"Goodnight." I left the kitchen and walked up the stairs to the bedroom.

I could hear my phone buzz from the nightstand where I left it to charge. I picked it up and Damon's name was on the screen. I went ahead and answered it. "Hello?"

"How are you Love?" he asked.

"Tired, but I'm good." I responded to his question.

He chuckled softly. "That's probably my fault, but it was worth it." He referred to our intimacy at the store.

"When will you be home?" I asked.

"I'll be leaving here soon. Get yourself some rest and I'll see you in a little bit." His tone was soft.

"Okay. I love you." I slightly smiled.

"I love you too." He responded and then hung up.

I knew I should've told him about Victoria's words. He would want to know that Justin was up to something. He had enough on his plate though with the event I didn't want to add anything. It could wait another day or so while we got the event done and over with.