He's Too Busy With The Guests

"I'm fine. You can go now." I rolled my eyes as the words left my mouth.

"You don't look fine Kaydence. Please let me get you a glass of water or something." He practically pleaded.

"Why does it matter to you? Or did you try to poison me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Because if my grandfather or even Damon knew you're vomiting and I just walked away I'm sure I'd be in trouble. Just let me help you this once." He answered in a soft tone.

"Fine, but only water and that's it." I made sure to keep a stern tone with him.

I walked past him and out of the bathroom door. I took a seat on a nearby bench as he went to fetch me the drink. My plan was to take the water and then go meet Damon and let him know I wasn't feeling well. That would allow me to go to the room where I'd be able to get some sleep and feel better by morning.

Justin returned with a glass of water and handed it to me. I sniffed it too see if there was anything in it. He let out a small chuckle. "You have nothing to worry about, I'm not that stupid. If I do anything to you that's practically wishing death upon myself."

"Thanks." I responded in a flat tone. I took a sip from the glass and it tasted normal.

"It was the fish wasn't it?" He asked while looking down at me. "You never liked anything that was seafood. I remember once when I tried to have you eat some crab and you almost threw up then too."

"Stop it." I glanced coldly at him. "Don't pretend that you know me or that we're friends Justin. What are you up to?"

"Nothing." He raised his hands up as if he was surrendering. "Look no matter what I've done it seems you and Damon are going to be together. I just want to make peace so that there isn't any hostility at any gatherings."

I drank more of the water I had been given. "I don't believe you."

"And you have the right to feel that way. I completely understand." he responded. "I'll go back to Victoria now. Will you be alright?"

"Yes. Go please." I answered.

He walked out of the hallway that I was now sitting in and went back into the ballroom. I finished the glass of water and decided it would be best to sit for a moment. My stomach was feeling better so maybe I could stay until the event was finished. I leaned my head back against the wall and rested my eyes.

There was no way Justin was going out of his way to be nice. This must be part of his plan that Victoria had been talking about. Maybe he figured if he got in my good graces that I could put in a good word for him to Damon. No, that didn't sound right. That would be too simple of a plan.

Justin was great at manipulation, there had to be an ulterior motive. Was he trying to get me to go back with him? It wouldn't work if that was the case. If we had been the last two people on the planet I still wouldn't let him get close to me again.

Justin didn't give up easily either. The fact he even approached me showed that his fear was wearing off. He wasn't just going to roll over and take that Damon was going to be company owner. He voiced many times when we were together that he would do whatever it took to stop Damon from getting everything.

I sighed to myself. I should've told Damon that he was up to something before we came to this event. It wasn't too late for me to confide in him and for us to come up with a plan. I opened my eyes so that I could get up and go find him, but my vision was blurred.

I had my hand against the wall as I used it for support when I stood up. I felt heavier than I did before and was struggling to stay on my feet. I had felt this way before, when Xavier had drugged me. The realization hit me, that had to have been more than water. I fell to the floor, unable to move my legs by myself.

"Here, let me help." A pair of hands helped stand me up. An arm wrapped around my waist and my arm went over the person's shoulder. They began to walk me to the elevator. "Penthouse right?" The familiar voice asked.

I glanced over to see it was Justin. This was all a part of some elaborate scheme. I knew better than to trust him but he still managed to get me anyway. He saw the panic take over my face and got an annoyed look.

"You can't go anywhere on your own and he's too busy with the guests." His tone was the one that held coldness this time.

The elevator ascended to the top floor, it felt like the longest ride of my life. It stopped and Justin helped carry me to the door. He opened it with a key he had managed to swipe and took me inside. He led me inside and laid me down on the bed.

My head was spinning. It felt like I was drunk but I hadn't touched an ounce of alcohol. I started to feel like I was beginning to black out here and there. One moment he was on one side of the room and the other he was sitting next to me on the bed.

"Why him Kaydence?" Justin asked, he looked as if he was hurt.

"Damon?" I answered with a question.

"Yes, why did you go with Damon?" He still had that hurt look on his face.

"Because, it was all to mess with you Justin. That's how the whole thing started." I paused for a moment. "And then our feelings started and we're in love. Something I never was in with you." I sneered.

He shook his head and I could see anger in his eyes at my response. "You little-" he raised his hand to slap me.

"Justin what the fuck?!" a female voice yelled. I looked over to see Victoria's face red with rage.

"Get out! This has nothing to do with you!" He shouted back. "I'm going to teach this whore a lesson."

"Get out of here or I'll go get Damon myself." Victoria crossed her arms as she stood her ground.

I felt like I blacked out for a moment again. When my mind came to I was the only one in the room. I could hear shouting from the hallway but I couldn't make out what was being said. I didn't know if Victoria came up here for Justin or for me, but either way I was grateful she had interrupted what he intended to do.

I tried to get up from the bed to go and make sure he wasn't doing anything to hurt her. I fell back onto it immediately after I got both feet on the ground. When I had woken up it was now daylight and I was no longer in my dress. There were arms wrapped around me and I was relieved to see that they belonged to Damon. I tried to think back to last night's events but nothing was clear, as if the memories were gone.