
I woke up on a hospital bed. The last thing I remembered was going to have Julie come with me to get checked out but I don't remember making it here. I must've passed out and scared her half to death. I saw a look of relief on her face immediately as she noticed I had woken up.

"Are you okay?!" She asked as she came closer to my side.

"What happened exactly?" I asked to get more clarification.

"You came out of the back and fainted. I tried to shake you to wake you up but it didn't work. Samantha called the ambulance and I had them close up shop for the rest of the day. Now we're here." Julie explained.

"Does Damon know I'm here?" I was worried about scaring him with such a big thing going on at work.

"I haven't told him yet." She responded nervously. "Should I have?"

"No. Let's see what's going on before we worry him." I instructed.

Before our conversation continued further a middle aged woman walked into the room in a white coat. She had light blonde hair that was tied up in a bun tightly and brown eyes.

"You're awake." She smiled when she looked over at me. "I'm Dr. Colson, how are you feeling?"

"I mean, could be worse but could be better." I answered.

She reviewed some papers on her clipboard. "We took your vitals when you came in and everything looked normal. Based on the information we got from your friend here we did decide to do some bloodwork and it looks like you're slightly anemic." She looked up from the papers and back at me.

"Anemic? I've never had this problem before." I was slightly confused how this came out of nowhere.

"Well I believe it was brought on by your pregnancy." The doctor responded.

I couldn't help but be shocked at her words. "What do you mean pregnancy?"

She looked back at the clipboard. "According to the bloodwork it looks like you're around eight weeks, give or take a day or two. I'm sorry, I thought with how far along you would've known." The doctor looked at me apologetically.

I was in shock about the news I had just received. We had been so busy that I didn't even realize I had missed a period. Eight weeks, it had to have been the last time we had sex before he went to Dallas. It was the only incident that fit the timeline. It was also one of the moments we had been so caught up in that we forgot protection.

It explained a lot though. My appetite had increased and I felt sick for no reason. I dealt with more fatigue than normal, classic signs of pregnancy. I felt dumbfounded that I had missed the obvious. I should've known when my dress measurements were off, I knew I had been exact with them when I started.

"I guess I just wasn't paying attention to my body as much as I thought." I spoke quietly. "So, what do I do about the anemia?"

"Well, the fact you didn't know explains why it got to this point. I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins that I want you to start as soon as you get them. I also will be giving you an additional iron supplement. How many meals have you been having a day?" Dr. Colson asked.

"I've only really been getting one recently." I answered honestly.

"I need you to make sure you have three meals a day and snacks here and there that are rich in iron. Right now we're giving you some medicine in the IV to help get your levels where they need to be. Once it's finished we can release you to go home." she explained.

I nodded, "Thank you."

"No problem. If you'd like I can have a doctor come check and make sure everything with the baby looks good." Dr. Colson offered.

"That would be fine." I nodded.

Dr. Colson exited the room and returned a few minutes later with another doctor and an ultrasound machine. "This is Dr. Lee." She introduced a shorter woman with tan skin and short black hair.

"Hello Kaydence, we'll be doing a vaginal ultrasound just to make sure everything is okay. It's the most effective one for this early into the pregnancy" Dr. Lee explained.

I nodded and Julie took that as her cue to move closer to my head for my privacy.

Julie held my hand as Dr. Lee did what she needed for the ultrasound. I watched the machine as it picked up the baby. I was in even bigger shock now. It was one thing to be told you're pregnant but to see it was a big thing to take in. Dr. Lee then picked up the strong heartbeat which had me in awe even more.

She finished up and gave me a smile. "Everything is looking great! Congratulations!" she handed me the print out of the ultrasound that had been taken.

Dr. Lee and Dr. Colson had left the room after that. It was just Julie and I now. I didn't even know where to begin with this. It took me by total surprise.

I sat there quietly still processing everything and what I had just seen. How could I have missed this? I was excited but more terrified than anything right now. The timing wasn't the best as Damon was stressed with work. But he would be happy about it, right?

"So you're pregnant huh?" Julie looked about as surprised as I did.

"Apparently." I responded.

"You're taking this better than I would." She spoke as she looked me over.

"We kind of had a scare before. We both were disappointed when my period did show up. So like, I'm excited because at least this happened when I know we're really in love with each other." I explained.

Once the medication had finished Dr. Colson had brought in the pharmacist of the hospital who gave me the prenatals and supplements prescribed. She even gave me a list of obstetricians to choose to see for the pregnancy. Once I had everything I needed she got us the paperwork and let me be discharged to go home.

"Julie." I spoke, grabbing her attention as we walked down the hallway.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Don't tell Damon. I want to wait." I know it probably wasn't right but it was for his best interest. "Don't tell Cody either."

"Why?" Julie looked puzzled at my request.

"For one of two reasons. I don't want Martin to lay off Damon because of a grandchild. They need to make up for real. And second, if he knows and it gets out then Justin will find a way to make it a weakness." I explained. "I refuse to let this child be a pawn in his sick game."