Consider Yourself Cut Off From The Family

"What made you come clean to my father?" He asked when we were alone in the hall.

"Because my words had caused you so much trouble." I sighed. "I needed to make up for it and I was hoping it would help get us back on good terms."

Our conversation was cut short by the commotion that followed us into the hallway. "Dad, how could you let this happen?!" Ava was furious as she followed Martin.

"We'll talk once we're back in the room we were in before the announcement." Martin responded to her sternly. "This is a private matter after all."

"We have some things we need to talk about when we get home." Damon's voice was lower compared to when we were out here all alone.

"We have a lot of things to talk about." I responded which made him look at me slightly puzzled.

He took my hand and led me back into the room we came in when we arrived here. Martin shut the door after everyone was present. Ava's face was red with anger and if it weren't for Robert I think she would've lost it on us all. Justin had made Victoria sit by him, he was trying to be calm but I could tell in his eyes he was pissed. Damon's hand remained on mine tightly as we took our own seats.

"It has come to my attention recently that members of this family have done unacceptable acts. I've tolerated the bickering enough but this is where it stops." Martin's tone was angry and he captured the attention of everyone here.

"Dad, whatever it is doesn't give reason to fire Justin!" Ava was brave enough to respond. "Especially in front of all those people!"

"Shut up Ava!" Martin shouted. "You're in no position to talk right now! With the shame he has brought to me he deserved that embarrassment!"

Ava was pale as Martin spoke. From the way she was when I was with Justin she seemed to think she could do no wrong. She had that mentality that she was daddy's little girl so she could get away with anything. Now she seemed slightly scared, he must've never really yelled at her before.

"Kaydence came to me and informed me of the treatment she had when she was with Justin." Martin's eyes stared daggers into Justin. "I saw the evidence. The security footage of you grabbing her and the emails you exchanged with clients. How dare you ruin the face of my company by forcing your girlfriend at the time to sleep with clients!" Martin's voice practically shook the room it contained so much anger.

"I-I'm sorry." Justin stuttered out.

"You're sorry? Why did you do it?!" Martin asked coldly.

Justin looked around the room as all eyes were on him. Not even Ava could save him this time. "I-I just. You promised the company to me and then Damon returned and it was taken away so fast! I figured if I brought Kaydence in to seem as if I was finally settling down and I made more contracts that maybe you'd give me a fighting chance!" Justin struggled to defend himself. "She was okay with it, she was a prostitute after all!"

His last sentence set Martin off once more. "No she wasn't and she made that clear! You abused her and used violence and black mail to keep her as your puppet! I'm well aware of her past as I am the rest of the things you and my poor excuse of a daughter have done!"

"Me? What have I done?" Ava asked as if she had no idea how malicious she's been.

Martin directed his attention in her direction, there was immediate regret from Ava as she looked at his cold stare. "You. You try to sabotage your brother's relationship and then proceed to allow a man you hired to attempt a rape on her! You knew what you were doing when you picked that man to carry out your plan Ava! I know you purposely looked for someone with prior convictions! Then you proceed to come and pester me about Justin getting promoted!" Martin paused for a moment and took some deep breaths to prevent himself from getting too worked up.

I watched in awe as the scene in front of me unfolded. Justin and Ava's plans had finally come to bite them in the ass. Karma was cruel and they deserved any punishment they would be receiving from Martin. With how angry he was it was clear they wouldn't be let of easy from this.

"And then the black and white event, Justin I was made aware that you didn't give me the full details of the conversation that was had. Now is the time to come clean." Martin was focused back on Justin.

Justin let out a defeated sigh. "I saw Kaydence get sick and got her some water. I drugged her to get her to talk. She told me that the relationship was to mess with me but that it is real now and that her and Damon are in love." He glanced at Damon's whose face was turning dark with anger. "She then said she never felt that way about me and it set me off. I was going to." He paused for a moment to think how to word his next sentence. "I was going to force sex on her, but Victoria came in and threatened to get Damon."

"You son of bitch!" Damon's voice was heavy with rage as he stood up but I grabbed his hand tightly to keep him from going after Justin.

"Damon." Martin looked at him sternly to prevent him from acting on his emotions. "I do not condone that you started your relationship to mess with your nephew, but I can look past that as your intentions have clearly changed." Martin directed his attention back to Ava and Justin. "As for you two, consider yourself cut off from the family. I don't want anyone who could act this way associated with the Tipton name."

"You can't do that!" Ava shrieked.

"I can and I just did. Your mother raised you to be better than this. She would be very disappointed in you right now." Martin responded coldly.

"Grandfather let us redeem ourselves please!" Justin pleaded.

"Redeem?" Martin scoffed. "There's nothing you can do. You've brought so much shame to our family! I should've cut you off long ago! Not only have you hurt Kaydence but you went after Victoria. Yes, I know about how you've been laying your hands on her as well!"

Justin could no longer plead his case. There was no reasonable excuse for his actions. Everything he said just continued to dig his hole deeper. This was the first time he was facing some serious accountability for his actions. I knew his biggest fear was to disappoint Martin and lose everything. Now he knew how it felt to have others take charge of your situation.

I couldn't take the energy in the room anymore. My stomach began to turn, the baby clearly had enough as well. I got up and left the room in a hurry, shutting the door behind me.