Already Acting Like A Tyrant

The hospital disappeared as the black BMW drove in the direction of home. Damon didn't leave after lunch and decided to stay until I could finally leave. I was relieved to finally be leaving the hospital behind. If it hadn't been for the brief coma I would've been home a lot sooner.

Damon's hand held onto my thigh as he drove the car. "I want you to relax at home for a couple days and take it easy."

"Why? I'm fine and the baby is fine." I furrowed my eyebrow at him. I was leaving the hospital for a reason. I didn't want to go home just to be kept in the house.

"Because I said so." he responded sternly.

I rolled my eyes as I turned to look out of the window. It would be better to have this conversation when he wasn't in the car focused on driving. If he even thinks for a second that I'm not going to protest he is dead wrong. There is no reason for me to not go back to what I would normally do, Dr. Shaw even said so.

The rest of the car ride was in silence. We finally reached the garage of the mansion and he parked the car. I got out of the passenger seat and made my way into the house. Rose was standing by to greet me.

"Welcome back Kaydence." She smiled.

"Thank you. It's good to be home." I responded.

"Are you hungry?" Rose asked.

"She'll have whatever it is you made upstairs in bed." Damon responded before I could.

"Yes sir." Rose nodded and headed to the kitchen.

"Stop it." there was frustration in my tone.

"Stop what? Taking care of my fiancé and my child? I think not. Get up to the bedroom, now please." He ordered.

"You're impossible." I responded and obeyed his request.

I only listened so that we wouldn't get into an argument. I know he was doing this just to be cautious. In his mind it probably seemed that the best way to make up for his prior actions was to take care of me. I would let it slide today, but I wasn't going to go on like this forever. I had a store to run.

I entered the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I made my way to the bed and wrapped myself in the dark silk sheets. This bed felt like it was heaven compared to the hospital bed. I missed the soft mattress and the soft sheets.

Rose had brought me in some soup after I had settled in. Her cooking was definitely missed while I was gone. I ate the food quickly and went right back to laying here with nothing to do. I passed a few hours by watching tv and scrolling through my phone. So far the only difference between here and the hospital was that my surroundings were much nicer.

My cell phone began to ring and I quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Kaydence, I heard you went home today." Martin's voice came through the other end.

"Yes. We got back a little bit ago and your son is already acting like a tyrant." I slightly complained about Damon trying to dictate what I did.

Martin chuckled slightly. "I figured he'd try to. Kaydence, are you up to talking to in person in a few days? I still have something I want to discuss with you."

"If it gets me a moment of freedom I'll come over right now." I responded.

He chuckled once more. "That's not necessary. I'll give you a call in a couple days."

I let a sigh escape my lips as I hung up the phone. I jumped slightly as I was startled when Damon came into the room. "Who was on the phone?" He asked.

"It was just your father. He wanted to see how I was getting settled in." I explained.

Damon nodded and then sat down next to me on the bed. "I've gone through a list of live in midwives. I'm going to hire one to help make sure you're taken care of and that you're eating the right things."

"Why?" I asked him with a puzzled expression.

"Because, I have to make sure you're taken care of. I'll take care of the store while you're here at home until the baby comes." He responded.

This was my breaking point with him. I couldn't live like this for months, I needed to get back to my normal. I jumped out of the bed, "NO! This is too much! I need to get back to my normal life Damon! Keeping me cooped up in this house until this child is born is not the answer!" My voice was raised out of my frustration.

"I just-" He started but I cut him off before he could speak any further.

"I'm pregnant Damon, not fucking handicapped! Let me get back to my store, let me eat what I want without some stranger coming to correct it!" I pleaded with him. "I've carried this baby for twelve weeks just fine, let me live normally please."

He looked speechless as he thought for a moment. "I'm sorry. I just can't let anything happen to you two." I could see the love mixed with the fear in his eyes. "I can't lose you or the baby. You both mean so much to me. And I treated you so poorly, I need to make it up."

I sat down next to him as I was beginning to feel calmer. "We can't live in fear every time I'm pregnant. Keeping me here is going to do more harm than good, I was bored enough at the hospital. I don't want to be bored here too." I explained.

"I understand. If you're ready to return to Amethyst you can tomorrow. But please just take it easy." He responded.

"I would like that. Thank you." I planted a kiss on his cheek. I knew his actions were out of love, not because he wanted to keep me a prisoner. "As for making up for your actions, why don't you take me on a date. I want to know what a real date planned by Damon Tipton feels like."

The only times we had been on anything close to a date was before my mother's surgery and then when we were on our little getaway. The first I wasn't sure if that counted as our feelings weren't exactly clear to each other. Then the other was for us to make up after our fight we had. Any other time we've been out was to events or something. I wanted to have a real date with him, something special.

"I can do that. I have to leave on Thursday though to meet with a client, I can plan something after I get back if that's okay?" He asked.

"That's perfect." I smiled. "How long will you be gone?"

"Just until Sunday morning at the latest." He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to him. "I love you Kaydence, more than you could ever imagine." he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Damon." I responded as I planted a kiss on his cheek. It had been so long since we had been able to be intimate with each other. I could feel my body crave his touch.