Remember, You Wanted Me In Charge

I finished getting myself dressed for the date Damon had planned out. I wasn't given any details besides making sure I was dressed formally. He had even kept it secret where we were going until the jet had arrived in Los Angeles a few hours after taking off. Once we landed we came to the hotel penthouse and went to bed. We spent most of this morning just taking it easy.

I looked myself over in the mirror to make sure I looked decent. I went with a simple navy blue dress for the night. It hugged my body tightly and went down to just above my knee. The dress had one sleeve on my right side and the left was like it was strapless.

I left the bedroom of the penthouse and met Damon in the living room. His suit was the same navy blue as my dress today. He stood up and I watched as his eyes looked me up and down. "You look beautiful Love."

"Thanks handsome." I smiled.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Good." He took my hand in his and led us out of the penthouse.

We exited the hotel and got into a car he had prepared for us. I watched the city as the car drove to our destination. I had never been to Los Angeles before but Damon had been here a couple times since our relationship began. His hand remained on mine and I could feel his occasional glance fall upon me.

The car reached the destination and we exited the vehicle. Damon wrapped an arm around me as we made our way into the restaurant he had chosen. We reached the hostess who seemed to be expecting Damon's arrival. "Mr. Tipton, right this way!"

He nodded and followed behind. She led us to an elevator and pressed a button to go up. Once the doors opened we were led out a door to the roof of the building with a single table set up. The rest of the roof was decorated with a few candles near the table and string lights placed here and there. There was clearly a lot of effort put into this.

Damon led me to the table and we sat down. He thanked the hostess and dismissed her. "You said you wanted a date planned by me so I've gone ahead and already had them take down the order of what we'll want to eat."

"Okay." I responded. "This looks really nice, thank you."

"Anything for you Love." he leaned over and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"How did you do this though?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"The owner is a good friend of mine." He answered.

A waiter quickly came out from the door we entered from and brought us two waters that were mixed with fruit and whatever it was Damon picked for our appetizer. It looks like he picked for us to have some soup to begin with. Once we were finished the waiter brought out our dinner plates. Damon had gotten himself some lobster but chose to get me a chicken dish thankfully.

His eyes fell on mine as we ate. I couldn't help it but Sterling crossed my mind. I felt slightly guilty for not telling Damon right now but I did it to make sure their relationship would start off good. Damon looked at me more curiously as he could tell I was thinking.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

"Nothing." I responded.

"It's something. What is it Love?" he looked at me more intently.

"Do you ever wonder what your first child would have been like?" I asked curiously.

He swallowed the bite of food he had taken while he waited for my question. "Sometimes. But I try not to dwell on what could have been Why?"

"I was just wondering." I answered and took a sip from my water.

"Let's finish our food." by his tone I knew he didn't want to talk more about the child he thought he had lost.

I nodded and finished the food in front of me. After we had finished dinner the waiter brought out our dessert. It was a piece of chocolate cake with ice cream for us to share. It was some of the best cake I had ever tasted. Once we were done the waiter brought the bill and Damon gave him a decent sized wad of cash before we left back to the car.

"I had a nice time." I smiled at him as the car began to head back to the hotel.

"Good." A sexy smirk crossed his lips. "Now I'm going to take you back to the penthouse and please you."

I could feel myself blush at his words. The car quickly reached the hotel and we made it back to the penthouse. Once inside he carried me bridal style into the bedroom. He pulled the dress off of me and laid me on the bed. He tied my hands to the headboard of the bed and looked me over. "Remember, you wanted me in charge." He smirked again as he began to undress down to his boxers.

He pulled off my underwear and spread my legs apart. He didn't waste any time as he got down to business. His tongue licked my core which caused me to let out a small moan of approval. He swirled his tongue around my clit and sucked on it gently. He took it up and notched and entered two fingers inside of me. I bit my lip but even that couldn't contain the moans coming from me as he pumped them in and out.

His lips moved from center as he kissed up my body to my neck. I don't know when he did it but his boxers were gone. His fingers he had used on me were now used to rub the tip of his manhood up and down my opening. He was getting himself ready to enter me. "Who do you belong to Love?" he asked as his eyes looked into mine.

"You." I answered.

"Good girl." A satisfied smile crossed his lips. He placed his hands on my inner thigh to keep my legs spread for him. "Never forget that." he spoke once more as he thrusted into me with force.

"Oh god." I moaned out.

"Don't be afraid to get loud for me." he spoke as he continued his hard thrusts. He moved one of his hands so he could rub my clit with his thumb which sent waves of excitement through my body. My moans intensified the closer to my climax I was getting. His thrusts got more and more forceful. His usual low grunts had gotten louder as he continued on. Thank goodness there were no neighbors next to the penthouse or I would've been embarrassed by how loud we had gotten.

He thumb rubbed on my clitoris faster and I had finally had enough. The orgasm had taken over my body. "Don't stop Damon!" I begged.

My begging must've done it for him. He let out a groan of pleasure as he was deep inside of me during his climax. As we both were beginning to come down for our climax his lips met mine. We kissed for a moment before he pulled away and brought his lips down to my ear. "Ready for round two?"