You're Checking In On A Hotel?

The jet was silent as we headed to our destination. Damon worked on something on his laptop and I just looked out of the window. I was not excited that he decided to whisk me away instead of talking about Sterling. I didn't know what was so important that his son had to wait.

"You're quiet." he spoke as he still looked at his laptop screen.

"Sorry. Just thinking." I responded.

"About?" He looked up from the screen.

I decided that maybe this was my chance to maybe get him to talk. "Sterling. Damon what are we going to do about him?"

Damon let out a sigh. "Kaydence, I'm sorry. Can we talk about this a little later?"

"Do you promise to actually talk about it?" I asked.

"Yes I promise." He nodded. "Just let me get what I need to take care of done first. Then you'll have my full attention about Sterling."

I sighed to myself and went back to looking out of the window. It wasn't what I wanted but it was progress. At least he was willing to talk about him. I would prefer now but I knew if I wanted the conversation to go well I needed to not push it right now.

Damon still worked on his computer for the remainder of the flight. In total it was about four hours and we landed around two in the afternoon. We exited the jet and a car was already waiting to take us to our hotel. The silence of the jet followed us into the car as well. It wasn't tense or anything, we both just had different things on our minds that needed to be accomplished.

"The hotel that I'm having built here is still under construction so we have to stay elsewhere. I did get us a suite at The Strat. It's not as luxurious as some of the others but it's one of my favorites." Damon spoke as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Okay." I nodded and went back to looking out of the window.

We spent a good twenty to thirty minutes in the car due to the traffic on the road. The car finally reached the hotel and we stepped out of the vehicle.

"Mr. Tipton!" A middle aged man ran over to us after spotting Damon. He was dressed nicely with a name tag that read Mr. Oliver. "It's a pleasure to have you stay with us. We got the call from your secretary that you were on your way and the room is ready for you and your fiance."

"Thank you Mr. Oliver." Damon spoke. "Will you show us to our room then?"

"Of course, follow me!" Mr. Oliver spoke.

Mr. Oliver had staff already taking the luggage we had and placing it on a cart. We had brought some clothing from the jet. Being this wasn't owned by the Tipton's we had to take care of our own clothing this time. The cart with the luggage followed us as we went inside the building and directly to the elevator. We waited as it went to the top floor.

The doors opened and Mr. Oliver led us down to the end of the hall. He unlocked the door with the keycard and handed it to Damon. "Let us know if you need anything while you're here."

"Thank you." Damon spoke as we stepped inside.

He let the staff quickly bring in our luggage. He tipped the two workers with some cash and they went on their way. He closed the door behind him and took the bags and placed them by the bed. It wasn't as nice as a penthouse that we would have at his own hotel but still was nicer than anything I've ever stayed in.

There was a living room area that had a chair and couch with a television mounted to the wall. There was a window that showcased the view of the city. On the wall with the television there was an archway that led into the bedroom. The bedroom also had a window that showed off the city and there was a door for access to the bathroom.

"Get some rest, Love. I'm going to go check on the details with the hotel being built. I'll be back in a couple hours and we can get dinner after." Damon spoke.

"That's why we're here? You're checking in on a hotel?" I was surprised that it seemed business was coming before his son.

"Well, yeah." He responded.

"Whatever, go do what you need to." The irritation in my voice was clear as I went and laid down on the bed.

I laid on the bed and let myself relax. I watched the television to occupy my time. A couple hours passed and Damon text me to get ready for dinner. I looked through the bag and found the perfect dress inside of it as he said to look nice. I chose an emerald green silk strapless dress that went down to above my knee. Damon entered the room just as I finished doing my hair and make up.

"You look beautiful." He complimented as he came behind me and placed his hands on my growing stomach. I was no longer looking bloated, it was clear I was pregnant.

"Thanks." I responded.

Damon changed out of his suit and into a black button up shirt with black pants. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

We left the room and went to the restaurant he had chosen. He wanted to eat in the stratosphere so we could get a nice view of the city as we ate. There wasn't much that went on with dinner besides eating. I was making it clear to him with my silence that I wasn't happy that he put off Sterling to come work. Family should've been his first priority.

"There's a floor above us, let's go there." Damon suggested as we finished the meal.

"Okay." I nodded.

We left the restaurant after he had paid and took the elevator to the next floor. We were now one hundred and eight stories up. The windows went from the ceiling to the floor so you could look out. There were chairs and sofas set up for people to sit down and then there was a bar for drinks and a separate one for things like ice cream.

He led me over to one of the windows for us to look out on. "I want to talk to you about something." He spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Is it about Sterling?" I asked. I was even more determined to have this conversation.

"No. I wanted to talk to you about the wedding. When do you want to get married?" He asked.

I let out a sigh. "Ideally, I don't want to have the wedding until after the baby comes." I answered. "I don't want to be uncomfortable because of the pregnancy."

"I understand that. We should maybe start thinking more about it though." He suggested.

I was frustrated. I didn't want to talk about the wedding. I wanted to talk about Sterling. "As far as I'm concerned, there's no wedding until Sterling comes home."