I Do

We didn't waste any time after his proposal to go back to our room. I decided if this was going to be my wedding until further notice I could at least keep the tradition of wearing white. Damon had apparently figured that was something I wanted to do. He made sure he was prepared.

He did go check on the hotel but that only took a few minutes. He spent the rest of the time getting our marriage license taken care of and preparing for if I accepted to the proposal. He didn't really propose the first time, it was more just agreed upon. It was nice to have the effort put in for him to try to make this as perfect as possible. He even found a dress he knew I would like.

I looked at myself in the white lace dress. It had mid length sleeves that ended just before my elbow. It hugged my body tightly as it went down to my knees. It made my bump more than obvious but I didn't care.

"I've made sure that any type of media doesn't report on this. This is a private moment for us." Damon spoke as he came up behind me and looked me over in the mirror. "You're sure you're okay with this?"

"Absolutely." I smiled as I turned to face him. "I'm ready whenever you are."

He gave a pleased smile in return. "Well, let's go get married future Mrs. Tipton."

He held my hand tightly as we went down to the hotel lobby. He had the car waiting for us at the front doors. We got inside and it drove down the street. We didn't have to go far as Las Vegas had many chapels to choose from. Damon had picked one in particular and the driver appeared to know exactly where to go.

The car stopped and we exited to go into the chapel. It was a small little building and there wasn't anyone else here. "Welcome." A lady greeted us. "Damon Tipton right?"

"Yes." Damon nodded.

"You go in there," she pointed to two opened double doors. "And I'll have your bride in shortly."

Damon nodded and went inside the room that we would be married in. The lady pulled me aside and gave me a bouquet. "Congratulations." She smiled as she walked me back to the double doors.

The aisle they had was covered in rose petals. Damon stood next to the minister as he waited for me to join him. There was the driver and a security guard that Damon allowed in to be the witnesses we needed. I walked down the aisle to the music, I couldn't help but smile at the man in front of me. This was crazy but our relationship was never quite normal from the start.

I reached the end of the aisle and stood in front of Damon as we looked at each other. The minister gave the usual speech you hear at weddings. Finally he had gotten to the rings.

"Damon Tipton, do you take Kaydence Bush to be your wife?"

Damon gave me a smile as he placed a wedding band to go with the emerald ring on my finger. "I do."

"Kaydence Bush, do you take Damon Tipton to be your husband?" the minister asked.

"I do." I smiled back as I put Damon's band on his finger. He went with a black band, but I wasn't surprised.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The minister spoke.

Damon's lips crashed onto mine. This may not have been the wedding I dreamed of but I was still just as happy. There was always time for a big ceremony later. But this had more meaning, this was our step to our forever. Our forever that included Sterling.

After the chapel we went right back to the room. We had no time to waste as we were both excited. Once that door was shut he turned into the dominant man he always was when we had sex. He kissed my neck as he helped strip off my dress. His hands caressed my body as he made his way up to my bra. He unclasped it and let it fall to the floor to free my breasts.

"Get your ass on that bed." he ordered seductively

I made my way for the bed and by the time I sat down he had his pants and shirt off. He walked over to me and began to remove his boxers. His eyes looked into mine as he was in front of me. He didn't need to use words to tell me what he wanted.

I gripped his shaft in my hand and licked his tip. "That's it." He spoke followed by a small grunt of pleasure.

I licked up and down his shaft as it was my way of teasing him. I could tell he was getting antsy for him to completely be in my mouth.I placed a few kisses on his tip and then took him all the way in. One of his hands held my chin as he thrusted in and out of my mouth. His grunts got closer and closer, finally he pulled himself out.

"Lay down." he ordered.

I laid back like he told me to do. He stripped off my underwear and spread my legs apart. His face went right for my opening. He used his tongue to swirl around my clit. I let out a moan of pleasure. He raised himself up and without warning he entered me by force. He thrusted into me roughly but it felt so damn good.

He pulled himself out again and went back to teasing me with his mouth. He licked and gently sucked on my clit. He allowed me to get close to climaxing and then he came back up and entered his manhood inside of me again. He used even more force than he did the first time.

He kept my legs spread as far as he could so he could go deeper and deeper. I let moans escape my lips as he continued on. He gripped my chin with his hand. "You're mine. Forever." he spoke.

"Of course." I responded in between moans.

He removed his hand from my chin and moved it to rub my clit with his thumb. He knew this was the best way to get me to orgasm quickly. He took his other free hand and pinched at my nipple. My moans got louder and louder the closer I got.

"That's right Love, cum with me inside of you." He spoke in between grunts.

His dirty talk sent me over the edge. I gripped the sheets as my climax was more intense than I had anticipated. I tried to bite my lip to keep it down but that wasn't enough. Damon decided to help me out and he placed his lips onto mine.

My nails clawed at his back as I was sensitive from and still coming down from my orgasm but he was still going. He didn't let up either. His thrusts got faster and harder. I could hear his small grunts as his lips were still on mine. I wrapped my legs around, keeping him as deep as I could. Finally he reached his climax, I could feel him throbbing inside of me as he finished up.

He pulled out of me and laid next to me on the bed. I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me. We both were exhausted from the long day we had and now this. I didn't know how long it took but we both had fallen asleep.