We Are Married Afterall

Sterling sat between Damon and I as Cody drove the car to Martin's. Reluctantly Damon agreed to stay here while the work on his mansion was being finished up for Sterling and the baby. Tonight Martin thought it would be a good idea to have a small dinner for our family. My mother was even included to come so she could meet Sterling.

Cody parked the car and we all exited the vehicle. I spotted my mother's car already parked. We let ourselves inside and she was in the living room talking with Martin. She was looking better than ever and her blonde hair was growing in full force. It was almost to her shoulders now.

"Who's that?" Sterling asked quietly as his eyes fell on my mother while we stood in the hallway.

"That's my mom." I smiled.

"If you're my mom now, does that make her grandma then?" he looked between Damon and I.

"Well, if that's what you want to call her I'm sure she'll be more than okay with it." I answered.

Sterling nodded and we entered the living room. Sterling began to approach my mother and I could see her eyes o between him and Damon. I told her about the situation on one of our last phone calls. It was one thing to hear about Sterling though, it was a whole different thing to see this amazing boy in person.

"Hi. I'm Sterling." he introduced himself and held his hand out.

My mother took his hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you Sterling." She smiled.

"Mom said you can be my grandma now." Sterling spoke. I was slightly taken by surprise at how accepting he already was of calling me his mom.

My mom chuckled slightly. "Well, only if you want to."

Sterling nodded and then made his way over to Martin as Damon and I sat down. "Hi grandpa."

"Hello." Martin smiled.

Damon and I watched as Sterling went back and forth to Martin and my mother talking about various topics with them. He eventually fell bored of talking with the adults though. He decided he wanted to go play with the toys that Martin had purchased for him the last time. Davis came and took him from the room and the attention was now on Damon and I.

"So you got married?" My mom looked at me curiously.

"Yes." I responded.

"Why didn't you say something sooner Damon?" Martin asked. "We could've arranged to have a ceremony here in town."

"Because we needed to have it private. There's time for a ceremony later." Damon answered.

"We could've kept the number low for the guests." I could see Martin was a little disappointed at the abrupt decision that was made.

"No." Damon responded sternly. "You don't get it. It was more than a marriage. It was Kaydence accepting me as her husband and my child as her own. That is a private matter between only us."

Martin nodded. "Very well."

My mom smirked as she looked at me. "You know, you're father and I went and eloped."

"I did not know that." I responded. I knew they never had a big ceremony because there wasn't much family around. I knew nothing of my father's side of the family and my mother only had a few members that were scattered over different states.

"Dinner is ready." Davis came in to inform us.

"Get Sterling and have him meet the rest of us in the dining room." Martin ordered.

Davis nodded and quickly headed to the room full of toys. The rest of us stood up and made our way to the dining room. My mom looked in awe at Martin's home. This was the first time she had ever been here. She was in the hospital the entire time I was with Justin and when Martin tried to invite her in the past she declined because she didn't feel up to it.

"This place is amazing." She whispered to me.

"Yeah it is." I nodded in agreement.

We all took our seats. Martin sat at the head of the table and I sat across from Damon. My mother sat next to me and Sterling sat across from her. Martin looked pleased by the amount of people here. The dinner table had gotten smaller after the situation with Ava and Justin. This was the fullest it's been since then.

Martin's staff brought out the meal quickly. The cook had made up a whole chicken with various vegetables and a green salad. I watched as Damon dished up food for Sterling. He may think he doesn't know what he's doing but he was doing great already.

We all began to eat the food that had been brought out. There was a silence as we all had our mouths full. It remained this way as we all enjoyed the meal. Once we were all finished we went back into the living room and Sterling decided to go play some more.

"What's the plan for next week?" Martin asked after he took a sip from a drink he had brought in with him. His eyes were on Damon.

"What do you mean?" Damon responded.

"Your birthday is next weekend. Do you not have any plans?" Martin raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wait, your birthday is next week?" I asked. I couldn't believe I didn't know his birthday. It was one small detail that we just never got around to discuss.

Damon chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Yes. Shouldn't you know that Love? We are married after all." he teased.

"I guess I never thought to ask. So much has gone on since we started dating." I explained.

"I know your birthday is in May. You had it a week before we met." he responded.

"So you already knew mine?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"Yes Love. I did my research before we got involved with each other." He chuckled once more and then turned his attention to Martin. "I haven't decided, I might just want to do something simple with my wife."

Martin nodded in response.

I couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded that I seemed clueless on his birthday. It was just a small thing that I never thought to ask. In my defense this started as me just being here to please him. When it turned into something more it all happened so quickly. It appeared I still had a few things to learn about this husband of mine.