She Sounds Like A B*tch

I gave my mother a call about the man who claimed to be my uncle. She refused to talk about the matter over the phone. She seemed nervous and uneasy the whole conversation I had with her. In the end she finally agreed to tell me more, but it had to be in person.

I was going to go right away after I was finished at the store. I gave Damon a call and informed him I would be a little late tonight. He insisted that I could just have my mother come to the mansion but I declined. I knew I would get the best information if she was comfortable in her own environment.

I had Theo drive me to my mother's home. I got out of the car and made my way up the steps. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for her to answer. It wasn't long before she opened the door to let me come in.

"Hey Kay." She greeted me with a nervous smile.

"Hey." I responded as I walked inside. "So where do you want to talk about this?"

"The living room is fine." She answered as she shut the door.

I walked into the living room and she followed right behind me. I took a seat on the couch and she sat next to me. We positioned ourselves so we could still see each other face to face. I could tell this visit from the man claiming to be my father's brother had really affected her.

"So what's this all about?" I wanted to get right to the point.

"I need to explain some things to you." She spoke as she looked me in the eyes. "The man that came to your store is in fact your uncle."

"And why am I just finding out about this?" I wasn't upset with her or anything, I was just really confused.

"Your father's real last name is Bushemp. Samuel Bushemp. His family is based in Dallas, Texas. They hold almost the same influence that Damon and Martin. However, the Tipton's are definitely way more powerful than they are." She began to explain.

"Okay." I nodded. "But you told me Dad didn't really know his family."

"That was your father's choice, not mine." She sighed. "You're father and I met while I was working as a server in Missouri. He had been sent there for some business and came in for a meal while I was working. We talked back and forth and things got intense very quickly. Kind of like how your relationship with Damon progressed."

This was all new information to me. I never really knew the history of my parent's relationship. As a child the small details never really occurred to me. As I got older I never wanted to bring it up and risk upsetting her. I knew they loved each other very much and that had always been good enough for me.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"Well his mother was pissed off that he didn't return back home as quick as she wanted him to. They got into an argument and he stayed with me for awhile. We were nineteen at the time and we got our own apartment together. He proposed and then he was deciding what he wanted to do with his life. He decided to go to school and become a pilot." I could her face sadden slightly. "He went through the course and was all set when his mother called him to come back."

I nodded as I listened to the story she was telling me. I could tell it was making her face some feelings she had put aside.

"So he decided to return to Dallas and I went with him. Your grandmother was pleased to see he had spent his time finding a wife. She was thrilled until she learned that I was just a waitress from Missouri. She had thought maybe he picked a woman from a great family and didn't expect to be disappointed." She explained more.

"Well, she sounds like a bitch." I mumbled.

My mom responded with a small chuckle. "Yes. She started to treat me poorly and it pissed your father off. He threatened to leave again if she didn't change the way she acted towards me. Afraid of him leaving again she faked being nice. She was going so over the top with being nice that she offered to pay for our wedding. It seemed like a good offer so we started planning it. But a few trips to look at items she kept telling me my taste was poor like me. I had enough one day and broke down to your father. We packed our things and left in the middle of the night."

"Wow." I was in shock as I heard all the details.

"Your father found a job for a pilot here in Nashville for a private airport. Looking at the housing prices and everything it seemed like a perfect opportunity especially since the company offered to help pay for relocation. So we settled on moving here. We got married in the courthouse and he decided we would settle on the last name Bush. It's a common last name so your grandmother wouldn't find him super easy but it was close enough that our children, well you, could find out about your family if you decided. Then we bought this house and we hadn't heard from his family ever since." She finished her story.

"So this uncle of mine? How did he find us then?" I raised an eyebrow as the question left my lips.

"Well, I assume they probably started digging when all the information started to come out about your's and Damon's relationship. You have your father's eyes and nose so that probably caught their attention." She answered. "I had a feeling this would happen when you got involved with Justin but being involved with Damon I figured it was inevitable."

"I see." I nodded.

"Alastair is the one they sent to come check things out. He was the man that I rushed out to speak to you when you were in the hospital. His mother and father had sent him to try to get all the details they could on our family." She spoke. "Alastair and your father were inseparable, he was one of the few of the Bushemp family that was actually decent."

"So he's not a bad guy then?" I questioned.

"No. But now that he's made contact with you I suspect your grandmother isn't going to keep her distance. I worry she's probably going to come and want to see you." I could see the concern my mother held in her eyes.

"I'm sure it'll be fine mom." I tried to ease the stress she seemed to be under about the situation.

"I hope so." She nodded. "I can't keep you from seeing them Kaydence, if you want to that's fine. But be careful." She warned. "I suggest keeping your distance with her especially. She can be just as horrible as Damon's sister."