I Will Answer Any Question You Have

Damon walked inside of the mansion after a long day of work. It was Friday so he was a little later today which was expected of him. Considering today was also his birthday I tried to convince him to take today off but he refused. Sometimes he was a borderline workaholic.

While he was at work I decided to give Rose the night off. I wanted to cook for him since I only had the chance once before. I sent Sterling to Martin's for the night so Damon and I could be alone. I wanted to use the night to get to know the minor details about my husband that I didn't know.

Damon came into the kitchen, he seemed to have been searching for me. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Making you dinner." I smiled. "Happy birthday!"

"You didn't have to do that for me Love. My birthday isn't anything to make a big deal about." He responded as he walked closer to me.

"Yes it is. Now go sit in the dining room." I ordered.

"Okay." He nodded as he left the kitchen,

I got two plates out of the cupboard and began to dish up the meal. I made us some chicken alfredo using my mother's recipe. It was simple but extremely delicious. I also had a salad to go with our meal and I made some garlic bread. I took all the food in making two trips from the kitchen to the dining room. When all the food was on the table I took my seat across from Damon and took a sip of water.

A smirk crossed his lips. "You know the last time you cooked for me you got pregnant."

"I'm well aware of that." I responded while blushing. "I have a growing bump that reminds me every day."

"I'm just saying if your dessert this time is anything like last time I'm really looking forward to it." The smirk remained on his lips as he took a bite of the meal.

"And this is partly why I sent Sterling to your father's house." I shook my head.

"Partly?" He asked after swallowing his bite of food. "What's the other reason you sent him to my fathers?"

A low sigh escaped my lips. "Damon, we're married now and parents. I just don't feel I know as much as I should about you. I mean I know the details you've told me but I don't even know what your favorite things are."

"So ask." He spoke and took a drink of water.

"I just don't want to annoy you by asking a ton of questions." I bit my lip out of feeling nervous.

"Love, you're my wife. I will answer any question you have. So ask." his icy blue eyes looked into mine.

"Okay." I nodded. "Is your favorite color black?"

A small chuckle escaped his lips. "No, but I like how black and greys look. My favorite color actually would be a dark red."

"Favorite place to have lived?" I moved on to my next question.

"Here in Nashville. It has all of my best childhood memories with my mother." He answered.

"Besides working all the time do you have any hobbies?" I took a bite of my food as I waited for an answer.

"Does fucking you count?" His eyes looked me up and down. With how vulgar his word choice was I could tell what was on his mind.

"No." I glared. "An actual hobby."

"If you've noticed any of the artwork I like to collect abstract paintings. I also can play the guitar quite well but I haven't played in awhile." He answered.

"I know your father kind of is the reason you ended up in the business world, did you stay in it because you enjoy it?" I was curious to see how he would answer.

"Yes." He nodded. "I like being in charge and I like making the deals. But if I'm also being honest it's kind of like a game. You have to fight for the top and to remain at the top, I'm a good player and sometimes enjoy watching my competitors crumble."

"I don't think you'll want to answer my next question." I bit my lip out of uneasiness.

"Just ask it." he responded.

"Has your relationship with Ava always been so bad?" My voice was a little quieter as I asked my question.

He thought for a moment before answering. "No. We actually had a normal relationship for a while. After she had Justin she began to turn into a bitch. But when my mother died she got worse and there was no going back for her."

"I see." I nodded. I didn't know what else to say.

"I refuse to let any of our children have the relationship with each other that I have with my sister." He spoke once more. "Siblings should be a team, not against each other."

"I agree with you." I responded.

"Do you have any other questions for me?" He asked. Thankfully he didn't seem irritated by the last one I asked him.

"Do you have any regrets?" I questioned.

"Yes." he shifted in his chair. "I regret not taking you home with me when I first saw you after your break up with Justin. I should've never let you go back out there."

"Oh." I didn't expect his answer.

"That doesn't matter now though. You're mine now and we're building an amazing life together." A small smile found his lips.

"I love you." I smiled back at him.

"I love you too. But now I have a real question for you." He spoke.

"What's that?" I asked.

"We've finished dinner. Do you have an actual dessert plan? It is my birthday after all." He responded.

"I have a cake but I promised Sterling we would wait to eat it until he returned from your father's house tomorrow." I answered.

"That's perfect." A devious smirk crossed his lips. "Cake can wait, I have something else I'd like to eat instead."

"And what's that?" I knew what he was thinking but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

"You." He responded.