Maybe I Just Missed You

A few days have come and gone since the dinner. We picked Sterling up afterwards and I discussed with my mother everything that had gone on. She was livid to find out the details. She couldn't believe how low my father's family would sink. She even voiced how pissed my father would be if he was still here.

Damon offered to make sure they learned their lesson. I didn't hesitate to take him up on it. Damon had spent the last few days making sure everyone associated with Tipton Enterprises knew not to do business with Bushemp Industries. He made sure they knew it was so important that if anyone tried to sign anything with them they would lose all support from Tipton Enterprises. It wasn't just here in Nashville either, it was everywhere.

Damon was determined to make Bushemp Industries fall. He was a ruthless tyrant in the business world. It was easy for him to get the other businesses on board. No one wanted to piss him off.

I spent the last few days working on things at the store. The spring line would need to come out in about a month or two. It seemed so far away but it was coming quickly. I also needed to get designs started for the summer line. I was due with our daughter in mid June and wanted to have everything set for the line to still launch while I was on maternity leave.

A knock on the door interrupted the sketches I was working on. "Come in."

Victoria hurried into the room and shut the door. "Damon just called and he wants you at Tipton Enterprises as soon as possible."

Victoria was filling in for Julie today. Julie needed the day off so Cody could take her somewhere. It seemed their relationship was really blossoming now. I was happy for her, she deserved to be happy. It was my idea to have Victoria fill in for her as my assistant. I wanted to see what all she was capable of.

"Okay." I responded as I stood up from the chair. "Did he say why?"

"No." She answered. "He just said it was urgent."

"Well, let's get going then." I grabbed my jacket and rang for Theo to meet me out in front of the store.

I got into the back seat of the car and Victoria settled in beside me. I was apprehensive about letting her have a job here but it seemed to do her good. The more time I spent with her the more it was obvious that how she was with Justin had been an act. It's amazing what getting rid of someone so toxic can do for a person.

"Thanks for letting me help today." Victoria spoke as Theo drove the car.

"Not a problem." I gave her a small smile.

"I hope I've done okay." She seemed nervous. "I've never actually been an assistant before."

"You're doing great." I reassured her.

She had never worked a day in her life until I let her on at Amethyst. I knew she had no assistant experience when I chose her for today. I just wanted to see if she could do it. I could tell she was meant for more than cleaning up around the store. I wanted to help her find things she was good at. Then she could find something she was passionate about. I wanted to help her like Damon had helped me.

We talked back and forth as we sat in the car. We talked about the store and she asked how the pregnancy was. I asked her how things were with her parents, unfortunately they still weren't great. She seemed unbothered by it though. Even though her family had used her for wealth she was glad to be free from them, like I was relieved to be free from my father's family.

Theo pulled up to the door of Tipton Enterprises and we stepped out of the car. Victoria and I made our way inside and got in the elevator. It stopped at the top and we walked to Damon's office.

"Hey Stacey." I smiled at Damon's assistant as I approached her.

"Hey." She smiled back. "He's waiting for you."

"Thank you. Victoria have a seat out here." I directed as I opened the door and made my way into Damon's office.

He was standing at the window, looking outside when I entered. He turned around once he heard my footsteps. "Hello Love." he greeted.

"What's so important that I needed to be here immediately?" I asked with my brow raised.

"Maybe I just missed you." He smirked.

"You realize we live together right?" I questioned him further. "I literally would've seen you in like four hours."

"So you didn't miss me then?" His smirk was still plastered on his lips.

I walked closer to him to close the gap between us. "I never said I didn't. I was just saying you would've seen me soon regardless." I paused while I thought for a moment. "Unless you have to leave somewhere. Is this where you tell me you're going on a business trip?"

"No." He chuckled. "Now that I have an actual trustworthy vice president I don't have to travel as much. I mean there will still be occasions but it'll be less frequent."

"So did you really call me here because you missed me then?" I pressed him to know more. I had the feeling that there was another reason I was here. I just couldn't determine what it was until he told me.

He pressed his lips onto mine as he wrapped his arms around me. One of his hands made it's way to my ass giving a light squeeze as the other went to the back of my head to deepen the kiss. After all this time his touch and kisses were still so intoxicating. My body craved feeling him maybe more now than ever.

There was just something about being caressed and touched by the one you love. No one had ever made me feel the way that Damon did. He was perfect in every way. While fans of his still had jealousy online others could tell we fit together. He made me feel like I was a puzzle that had finally found it's missing piece.

He pulled his lips off of mine but still held me close to him. His smirk had returned. "I really did miss you. But, there indeed is another reason you're here."

"I knew it! I was right!" I responded. I knew in my mind there was more reasoning than he just wanted my presence. "So what is it?"

"I don't know if I should tell you. Seems you're a little cocky from being right." He teased. "I might have to make you wait now."

"Don't do that." I sighed. "Please, tell me what it is you brought me here for?"

He appeared to think for a moment. "I brought you here for a business matter. We have a meeting in ten minutes. I think it's time Amethyst expands."