Who Was On The Phone?

"You did fantastic in there." Damon complimented once we were alone in his office.

"Thank you. And thank you for your help." I responded.

"Anything for you Love." He gave me a small smile. "I had your driver take Victoria home. I figured maybe I could leave a little early today."

"Damon Tipton leaving work early?" I smirked. "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" I teased.

His hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me up against him as close as he could. "I'm still right here and I have no problem showing you that." His tone was low and seductive.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes really." He caressed my body as his lips crashed down to mine.

Our lips moved together but he waited until mine had parted enough to slip his tongue in. The longer the kiss went on the more the passion seemed to grow. We were both growing hungry for each other. It was like no matter what we just weren't close enough.

His hands roamed my body and one made it's way into my shirt. It went directly to my breast and squeezed gently. I let out a small moan for him as he continued to need my breast through my bra. We both wanted each other so bad right now.

The phone on his desk started to ring. "Damn it." he mumbled as he pulled away to go answer it. "What is it?" his annoyance in his tone was clear. "Okay, let him know we'll be there shortly." he hung the phone back up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Stacey. She was just letting me know that Sterling is with my father. Apparently he didn't feel well at school. They tried to contact us when we were in our meeting so they went to my father next once it was clear we were busy." Damon explained.

"Well let's go get him. Then you can have your way with me later." I responded.

He grabbed his keys from his desk drawer and walked back in front of me. "I'll be holding you to that." He smirked

I followed him out of the office where he told Stacey to go home once she was done reviewing some papers. We then made our way to the elevator to go to the parking garage where Damon kept his car. He held my hand while we exited the elevator and the building. We approached the black BMW and got inside.

He pulled out of the parking garage and drove off in the direction of Martin's home. He concentrated on the road while placing a hand on my thigh. I placed my hand on top of his and looked out of the window as we drove. It was silent, but in a comfortable way.

The car finally approached Martin's home and we pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car and started to head for the door. My phone started to ring in my purse. "I'll be just a second." I spoke to Damon as I pulled it out. "You can go ahead and go in."

He nodded and went into the house.

The number on my phone wasn't familiar to me. I went ahead and answered it anyway in case it was something important. "Hello, who is this?"

"Kaydence, it's me. Alastair." A man's voice spoke over the phone. "I was hoping that maybe things had calmed down enough so we could talk."

I rolled my eyes to myself. "What do you guys want now? I'm not helping you in any way." I was stern with my words.

"Your grandmother was just caught off guard by Damon's demeanor. Let's meet again. You'll see we aren't so bad." Alastair responded.

"She literally admitted to using my father and I for sympathy. Then she admitted again that she came here for me so that your company can work with Tipton Enterprises again. That's not happening." I made sure my irritation was clear in my voice.

"Look, I'll be honest I didn't know that's why she wanted to come here. When she sent me here she said it was important to try to make amends with you." He tried to explain himself. "She sees how she's messed up and wants badly to make amends with you. She would like if you could come with us to Dallas for a couple weeks so you can truly get to know her."

"Is she out of her fucking mind? I'm pregnant, I'm not leaving Nashville. Besides the time we spent at dinner was enough for me to figure out what Meredith is really about. I don't need to get to know her any better to know she's terrible." I responded. "And how in the hell did you get my number?"

"She uh, she hired an investigator to get it." He answered. "Kaydence, can we atleast have dinner once more before we leave for home?"

"No." I hung up my phone and threw it back into my purse. I ascended the steps and then went inside.

"Mommy!" Sterling gave me a slight smile as he laid on the living room couch.

"Hey." I gave him a smile in return. "What's the matter? I heard you weren't feeling good."

"My tummy was just hurting. Grandpa had his cook make some soup and I'm feeling a little better now." Sterling answered.

I gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Well I'm glad you feel a little better.

"Who was on the phone?" Damon asked with a curious expression.

"Um, it was Alastair." my voice was quiet as I spoke.

Damon appeared to grit his teeth. "Sterling, go upstairs and lay down. Mommy and I need to talk."

Sterling let out a sigh but he knew not to try to defy Damon. "Okay." He got up from the couch and headed for the stairs. Davis was nearby and helped accompany him.

"Alastair Bushemp?" Martin asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What did he want?" Damon was clearly unhappy about the call.

"Well at first apparently Meredith wanted to get him to convince me to go to Dallas with them. I said no." As I spoke I could see the rage slowly grow on Damon's face. "Then he begged to have dinner again. I also said no."

"Good." Damon responded.

"Set it up." Martin spoke and caught us off guard. "But have them agree to meet here for the dinner."

"Are you mad?" Damon furrowed his brows as he looked at Martin. "For what purpose would you want to see them again? Especially in your home."

"The last time I saw them was before my heart attack. I want them to face me." Martin explained. "I want them to face us all."