Do You Not See The Problem With This?

"So how exactly do you do something like this?" I asked as I sat across from Damon.

We were in his study to get some privacy from Sterling. He was focused on his computer as he was working on preparations to have Melissa moved to her rightful spot. It had been a few days since we met with Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and he was determined to get this done for them. It was all he seemed to work on.

"She was buried in the grave she's in now. When you're buried the casket is put into a burial vault to help protect it. It helps keep the casket protected from bugs and other elements. What they'll do is dig up the vault, load it on a truck and bring it to the proper spot." He explained.

"Will people not notice it being moved?" I questioned further.

"I hired a private company that will load it into a truck that's covered. It's important that it makes it to the cemetery in the same condition it leaves the other in." He was still focused on the computer screen.

"Do the Bryant's know this is happening yet?" I knew he was acting quickly on this and the last I knew he still hadn't heard back from Mr. Bryant.

"No. I haven't said anything yet." He looked away from the computer and then at me. "I'm waiting for them to reach out first. I don't want to be too pushy and if Mrs. Bryant needs her time then I will give it to her."

"But won't it alarm them if they go pay a visit to the site and see the freshly dug up ground?" I didn't want him to risk upsetting Mrs. Bryant anymore.

"I thought of that. But I need to get this done so I will deal with it when it happens." He answered. "Besides knowing what they know now why would they want to visit a spot that they know she's not in."

"Damon, do you not see the problem with this? I thought you wanted things to get better with them. I don't think this is going to help your case." I was trying to be reasonable with him.

"Mommy!" Sterling shouted from the hall to grab my attention.

"I'll be right back. But please think about at least talking to Mr. Bryant before you go ahead and do this. That way it's not like you ambushed them into it. Who knows, they might want to do a graveside memorial with her before she's put into the ground." I spoke as I got up from the chair.

Damon was quiet as I left the room. Either my words fell on deaf ears or he was actually thinking about what I had said.

"What is it?" I asked as I approached Sterling.

"Miss Rose needs you in the kitchen." He answered as he grabbed my hand and led me through the hall.

We entered the kitchen where Rose was standing at the counter. "Rose, Sterling said you needed to see me?" I spoke to get her attention.

"Yes." She turned around with a smile on her face.

"What's up?" I took a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island.

"Sterling, can I have a moment alone with your mother?" Rose looked at the little boy still glued to my side.

"But why? Why is everyone wanting to be alone with mommy today?" Sterling looked up at me with his beautiful icy blue eyes.

"Sterling, go play with some toys for a moment. Then after dinner you and I can have one on one time okay?" I suggested.

"You promise?" he asked.

"Yes. I promise." I placed a kiss on his forehead and off he went.

"Now that he's gone I wanted to ask you about what preparations were needing to be made for his birthday?" Rose asked once we were alone. "Like a party or something special?"

"Oh shoot. That's coming up here in the next couple weeks. I've been so busy I've been sidetracked. I've never planned a kid's birthday party before. Do you have any suggestions?" I asked.

"Well for food items I can handle the cake and finger foods. I just need to know if Mr. Tipton intends to have guests come to the house. If so, how many exactly." Rose answered.

I nodded in response. "Of course, I'll talk to Damon tonight and get back with you to give you an answer."

"Sounds good." She smiled. "That's all I wanted to discuss."

"Thank you Rose." I got up from my seat. "I need to get back to Damon but if you need anything else don't hesitate to come find me."

"Okay. I'll start working to prepare dinner." She nodded and turned back to the counter she had been working at when I entered.

I made my way back to the hallway that led to the study. I could hear Damon's voice as I approached the room. I opened the door and went inside to find Damon on the phone. He looked focused on whatever it was being discussed.

"Yes. It's good to hear that and I'm glad we're on the same page." Damon spoke over the phone. "Does tomorrow work for you? I know it's short notice but I feel the sooner we head in the right direction the better. Okay, thank you. We'll see you then." he hung up his cell phone.

"Who was that?" I asked as I took my seat across from him again.

"It was Mr. Bryant. I thought about what you said and I agree, I don't want to cause any more pain for that family." Damon answered.

"Well that's good." I responded. "What exactly is happening tomorrow?"

"Mrs. Bryant calmed down after we left and had been thinking about everything I guess. After talking they both would like to meet Sterling. I figured since there wasn't much going on that we would be able to make time for them tomorrow." Damon explained.

"That's great! I felt like she would, it was just a matter of time." I felt a sense of relief hearing that they wanted to meet him. Sterling was all that was left of Melissa and they deserved to have him in their lives.

"We also spoke about having Melissa moved to the proper spot, that's what prompted me to call them." Damon spoke once more. "You were right, they both would like to have an actual service for her. We'll be going over the details for that at a later time as there isn't any rush. Mr. Bryant and I agreed it was best if they met Sterling before we moved onto doing that."

"That's understandable. Where do they want to meet with us tomorrow?" I asked as I wanted to get more information to know what to prepare for.

"Mrs. Bryant would like it to be at their home. Mr. Bryant said that she feels bad for how things went and would like to start over." He answered.