Sterling Wants All Of The Children To come

Almost a whole week had passed since the meeting with the Bryant's. We made sure they knew they could call and talk to Sterling anytime. Damon also took the initiative and invited them to Sterling's birthday party. They accepted the invitation and were excited for the event.

We decided to have his party at Martin's home. Damon didn't want to have any guests at our's. He liked his privacy and wanted to keep it that way. Martin had events at his house prior so it was no big deal to have it there. Besides, Martin was happy to do anything for his grandson.

The party was set for next saturday which was a week away. We had a lot to do before then. Rose was thankfully helping with party preparations. The other thing keeping us busy, well Damon more than me, was preparing to have Melissa moved. He wanted to have it done before the anniversary of her death which was the same day as Sterling's birthday.

Damon and the Bryant's decided to to have everything in place on Wednesday. Sterling would miss school for the service but this was important. While he didn't completely understand everything that was going on he knew his mom was being moved so he could visit her with his grandparents. Thankfully he didn't try to ask any questions about it.

We arrived at the orphanage for one of our visits. Sterling wanted to make sure his friends here came to his birthday party. He made friends at school but he was still loyal to the ones here. These children were important to him as they had all been there for each other since they could remember. They mattered so much that he wanted to hand deliver the invitations he had made with me and Rose instead of sending them.

"I'm excited to see all my friends. I hope Mrs. Strahm allows them all to come." Sterling spoke as we headed for the front doors of the building.

"I will talk to Mrs. Strahm don't you worry. We'll make sure that the most important people to you are there." I reassured him as we walked inside of the building.

"Hey guys." Emily smiled as she saw us come inside.

"Where are all the kids?" Sterling asked her.

"They're outside for play time." She answered him.

Sterling turned his attention to me. "Can I go give them to them now mommy?"

"Not right now. I don't want you all to have to worry about papers while you play. You can give them to everyone before we leave." I responded.

Sterling nodded. "Okay."

"Why don't you go play?" I suggested. "I need to talk to Mrs. Strahm anyway."

Sterling nodded again. "I'll be outside then." He hurried down the hall to exit the doors leading to the playground.

"Is Mrs. Strahm available?" I asked Emily.

"She should be. Follow me and we'll see." Emily got up from her chair.

I followed beside her as we went down the hallway. We approached Mrs. Strahm's door and Emily knocked on it a couple times. "What is it?" a voice from inside the room asked.

"Mrs. Tipton would like to see you." Emily answered.

"Very well. Let her in." Mrs. Strahm instructed.

Emily opened the door. "Here you are."

"Thank you." I spoke as I walked inside.

Mrs. Strahm was seated at her desk going through some papers. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. "Welcome back. What can I do for you?"

I took a seat at her desk as Emily shut the door to give us our privacy. "I'm sure you probably know Sterling's birthday is next Saturday. He would like the children from here to join us at his grandfather's house for the party."

Mrs. Strahm thought for a moment. "I'm not sure how we would manage to get the children transported there."

"Mr. Tipton's already thought of that. He'll make sure the children can get there and back." I responded. "Sterling made it clear how important it is to have his friends there with him so we would like to make sure they can make it. We'll take care of everything we just need to have your permission."

"I see. Mr. Tipton really thinks of everything doesn't he?" Mrs. Strahm gave a smile. "I suppose if transportation is being provided there's no reason the children can't go. Who all would Sterling like to come?"

"Everyone." I answered.

"Everyone? We have thirty children here right now, some younger than him that he hasn't really been around. Is he certain he wants them all to come?" She looked at me curiously.

"Yes." I nodded. "Sterling wants all of the children to come and have fun. It's really not a problem, we can accommodate everyone."

The orphanage meant a lot to Sterling and he wanted to make sure all the children could come join him. He gave us a list of things he wanted and what he knew the others would enjoy. The expressions on Damon's face every time he booked something for this was interesting to watch. He clearly didn't feel the bounce houses Sterling wanted were necessary but he got them anyway. He was determined to make sure Sterling had an amazing party.

"That boy has a heart of gold doesn't he?" Mrs. Strahm chuckled. "Glad to see being out of here hasn't changed him at all."

"He's the same Sterling he was when he walked out of those doors. Maybe even more kind now that he has the opportunity to help better." I responded.

"Speaking of kindness, we cannot thank your family enough for helping repair this place." Her words were sincere. "I was beginning to worry that it would end up becoming too rundown to have the children here. The building is quite old so I was concerned."

"It was our pleasure." I replied. "Mrs. Strahm there's something else I would like to talk with you about."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Well the story about Melissa is clearly complicated but you have a general idea about it. Damon found her parents and we discovered that they thought she had been cremated and they buried the urn in the cemetery next to the plots they had bought for themselves." I explained. "Well Damon investigated further and found out where Melissa's body was actually laid to rest. We're having her moved to the proper spot this coming Wednesday. I know you were close with her during her time here, would you like to join us?"

"Are you sure?" She questioned. "That sounds like something that would want to be kept pretty private."

"Yes, I'm certain. We would love for you to join us." I reassured her.

She thought for a moment before answering. "Okay. I'll be there."