A Little Self Conscious

"I'm too excited to sleep. Can't I just stay up a little longer?" Sterling was pleading to not go to bed for the fifth time in ten minutes.

"You have to go to bed. You need all the energy you can get for your party tomorrow." I responded in a stern tone.

"Listen to your mother." Damon warned as he stood in the doorway of the room.

"But I'm not ready. I have stuff I need to do." Sterling protested once again.

"Stuff like what?" I questioned. I was intrigued with what his answer would be.

"I have to pick my clothes out and I have to get my shoes downstairs by the door." Sterling was thinking of the best excuses he could come up with.

I let out a small chuckle. "Guess what, you can do all of that in the morning." I planted a kiss on his forehead and headed for the door. "Goodnight Sterling."

Sterling let out an over exaggerated sigh. "Night mom and dad."

We closed the door behind us and headed for our own room. "He's something else isn't he?" I chuckled while still thinking about his words in his room.

"Just wait til his partner in crime arrives. I'm sure he's going to end up getting more creative with Scarlett by his side." Damon smirked.

"Of course." I responded as I stepped inside of the bedroom.

"Are you ready for next week?" Damon asked as he shut the doors behind us.

"Yes, I think so." I answered.

He was referring to the launch of Amethyst's online store and website. Damon had a team of web designers working on getting everything set up and prepared. The closer it got the more comfortable I was about the expansion of the brand. It was exciting that people out of Nashville would see my work.

"Good." He responded as he began to strip down to his boxers.

I took off my blouse and the pants I had worn today. "I have a good feeling about this."

I was taken by surprise when Damon's arms wrapped around me. He moved them up and down my body. "You look so sexy." He spoke seductively before placing kisses up and down my neck.

"Thank you. If I'm being honest I'm a little self conscious right now." I sighed.

He turned me around in his arms so we were face to face. "Why?" he asked with a serious expression on his face.

"I feel like my boobs are huge, I've started getting a couple stretch marks and I'm the biggest I've ever been." I confessed. "What if my body doesn't bounce back?"

He took my chin between his thumb and finger to keep me from looking away from him. "Your body is beautiful. It's doing an amazing thing right now, you've created a life. Your body won't be what it was before but it's still going to be beautiful."

"Thank you." I responded.

"Even after there's nothing that will keep me away from touching it. Loving it. And fucking it." His voice was seductive again as he spoke.

His lips crashed down onto mine. His hands went to my back to unclasp my bra. Our lips never parted as he helped me remove the fabric to allow my breasts to come free. He threw it to the ground and his hands gripped my ass.

His lips moved away from mine and down my neck. He guided us to the bed and helped gently lay me down. His lips were back on my neck for a moment before he began kissing down my body. He started with my neck, then between my breast and down to my underwear. He gripped the fabric in between his teeth and pulled the underwear off of me.

He parted my legs and looked me in the eyes as he entered his middle finger inside my core. He watched the pleasure take over me as he pumped his finger in and out. He moved it faster and faster causing me to moan out for him. "Damon."

Instead of saying anything his mouth went down to join his finger at my core. He licked and sucked on my clitoris causing more pleasure to go throughout my body. I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the moans that were escaping my lips. The more he worked with his mouth and hands the closer I was getting.

He allowed me to get on the edge of my climax before he moved away from me. A small whimper left my lips as my body craved for his touch. I needed him to fill me up. I wanted him so badly right now.

He removed his boxers as he stood. He then made his way to the bed where he kneeled beside me. He grabbed one of my hands and placed it on his erection. I gripped him tightly and moved my hand up and down. He leaned his head back and I could hear his low grunts.

He had me continue for a few minutes before pulling away from me. He laid back on the bed. "I think you know what's next." He spoke as he looked me up and down.

I moved on top of him so that I was straddling him. He held his erection as he helped position it at my core. Before allowing me to sink down on him he moved it back and forth against my slit to coat himself in my juices. Once he had felt it was enough he positioned himself at my opening.

I let out a gasp as I moved down on him. When he was all the way in I began to move my hips back and forth on him. His hands gripped my thighs as I moved around on him. "You feel so fucking good Love." He spoke through grunts.

I continued rocking my hips on him. I occasionally moved myself up enough that only his tip remained before I went back down on him to fill me up. One of his hands remained on my thigh as the other went between my legs. He used his thumb to circle around my clitoris to enhance my pleasure.

The more he played with me the closer and closer I got. My body had enough as I exploded into my climax. He continued using his thumb on my clitoris to enhance my moment. I bit my lip in hopes to keep myself quiet.

Once I finished his hands gripped my thighs once more as he began to thrust into me from below. His grunts were more frequent and close together as he was almost at his own climax. He kept going and going until he finally reached his moment of ecstasy. He breathed heavily as I felt him throbbing from inside.

We pulled apart after we both were finished and laid in the bed. He placed a kiss on my cheek. "Why don't you take a shower so you're relaxed and hopefully sleep good." He suggested.

"Are you saying I stink?" I pretend to be offended by his words.

"No." He chuckled. "You sleep better when you've showered before bed. Like our son you'll need your energy for tomorrow as well."

"Okay." I agreed. It was smart, I didn't want to battle insomnia all night before a big day.