Am I Just Starting To Go Crazy?

The car pulled up to the mansion. I had called to have Max give me a ride home. I didn't feel up to driving. Especially since this would be my first time back since finding Damon. I got out of the vehicle and made my way to the door.

I took a deep breath before turning the knob to go inside. Rose heard me come in and immediately came to me. "Oh Kaydence, how could this happen?" She was visibly upset. I knew she cared for Damon.

I tried to keep myself together. "I don't know Rose. I don't know." I responded.

This was also her first night back at the house. I called her and gave her the details while she was with her children. I didn't want her time to be ruined and I even told her to stay longer if she'd like. She refused and wanted to be back on her normal day.

The feeling of the house was different. I never minded being here alone but it was different when you knew he was eventually going to walk in the door. Right now I wasn't too sure when he would be back. I would give anything right now to see him walk through the garage door after a long day of work.

"How's he doing?" Rose asked.

"He's stable. Just hasn't woken up yet." I answered. "Cody's there to guard his door."

"Well, at least he's stable. I am just shocked that this happened to him." I could see the look of disbelief on her face.

"I am too." I sighed.

"Are you hungry? Can I make you anything to eat? This has to have taken a toll on you dear." Her voice was filled with concern.

"I'm not hungry right now. If I get hungry later I'll let you know." I responded. "I'm going to go change now."

She nodded. "Okay."

I ascended the stairs and headed for our bedroom. I shut the door behind me and felt myself begin to break down. I sat on the bed and I didn't fight the tears as they streamed down my cheeks. I tried to keep the sobs that escaped quiet so that it wouldn't alarm Rose. I just wanted to take a moment to be alone and let it all out.

I took a few deep breaths after I felt like I had enough crying. I tried to calm myself but it was extremely hard. I got up from the floor and went into the bathroom. I felt like maybe a hot shower would help get me relaxed enough. I stripped off my clothes and started the water. The heat felt good on my skin, I had been so tense up at the hospital.

I washed my hair and then my body. Once I was finished I got out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I made my way back into the room to the closet with my clothes. I settled on a tank top and shorts so I would be comfortable.

I brushed my hair out and then went down the stairs. I was on a mission tonight. I headed for the study. The police had spent the last few days gathering evidence and then they had it cleaned properly this morning. It looked like nothing had ever happened in here. But something did happen here. My stomach turned as I looked at the spot where there was blood pooled around Damon.

I sighed to myself and headed for the computer on the desk. I was going to access the security cameras. I wanted to see if I could figure out who this could have been. The computer appeared to be on but had been left in sleep mode. I turned the screen on and it revealed what Damon must've been doing before he had gotten shot.

It looks like he had been going through some emails. I wouldn't usually snoop but I needed to see if there was something here that could lead us in the right direction. Almost all the emails were between him and other company CEO's discussing mergers and business. There were a lot of contracts being sent back and forth, but nothing alarming.

I exited out of the emails and went to access the security footage. The police had taken some of the footage but Damon told me he always kept back up footage. He showed me how to access it once before in case I needed it. I never thought I would but now it actually came in hand.

I pulled the footage up and began to watch it carefully. I watched as Damon came home and went inside the house. I could see he entered the kitchen at one point from the camera outside of the window. It looked like he had gotten himself a drink or something. I then watched as he left the room.

This is where it got interesting. I noticed on the camera someone approaching the residence. This was the figure the police had found was out of the ordinary. I didn't know how but it's like this man knew all the spots to avoid showing himself. I noticed on the camera that overlooked the outside of the study that a window had been opened. The man's back was to the camera as he approached the open window and proceeded to shoot Damon.

I felt sick to my stomach after watching this. I watched clear until the man was gone. I had absolutely no new information. This person had kept their face hidden perfectly. I felt defeated and I wasn't sure where to go from here. Damon needed to wake up so we could do this, together.

I turned the computer off and left the study. I couldn't take being in that room anymore. I made my way back to the bedroom and I locked the door. I made sure all of the windows were locked as well. I was a nervous wreck staying here but I needed to get some sleep.

I laid down and tried my best. I tossed and turned all night. Every little noise made me jump. It reminded me of when he was in Dallas and Nicholas kept trying to get into the room. Eventually I did end up falling asleep for a few hours. I woke up to the sun coming in through the curtains.

I got myself out of bed and threw on a shirt and a pair of jeans. I headed down stairs where I had asked Max to wait. I was going back to the hospital and getting out of here. Max had the car ready to go and we were on our way. He drove quickly as he must have sensed I was anxious to get back.

We arrived at the hospital and I went up to the ICU. I sat in the chair next to Damon and watched him patiently. Hours passed by slowly here. My only entertainment was either watching Damon or messing with my phone. I chose to watch him. I had gotten so used to not seeing any movement from him while he laid here. It took me by surprise when he raised his arms by his head to stretch. "Fuck that hurts." he groaned out loud.

I knew a look of shock had taken over my face. "Are you really waking up or am I just starting to go crazy?" I asked as I kept my eyes on him.

His eyes opened revealing the icy blue I had been missing these past few days. He moved his arms back down but held out his left arm. "Come here Love." he spoke hoarsely.

I didn't waste any time as I flung myself into his arms. "I was so worried about you."