You're Not The Only One Stressed

(Damon's POV)

I could feel myself become calmer after the doctor had left the room. I just wanted to get home and get back to my life. I felt like I was going crazy as I sat in this same room over the past few days. There wasn't very much entertainment in the hospital and I had things to do.

I needed to figure out who attempted to kill me. I knew I was supposed to be relaxing but when I was by myself I spent time compiling a list. A list of people who I have pissed off and made enemies out of. It consisted of people who I cut business with, people who begged to do business but I declined, and some old friends that we're no longer in my life for good reason. I had pissed off a lot of people in my lifetime and I knew it.

I didn't care at the time when I dealt with these people. I never thought I would have to worry about them hurting anyone else but me. Now things were different. I had a family I needed to protect and I felt useless recently. I needed to figure this out, not just for me but to keep the ones I loved the most safe. I couldn't let anything happen to Kaydence or the children.

Kaydence had remained silent since she had returned to the room. I was well aware that my reaction wasn't the best. Truthfully the thought of Scarlett coming while I was still here as a patient myself was terrifying. I needed to be there for her birth. I needed to support Kaydence, especially after all she's dealt with recently.

"I'm sorry." I spoke to break the silence.

"For what?" She asked in a soft voice. I knew her tone was just because she didn't want me to have another outburst.

"Earlier." I answered. "I didn't handle that very well. I sincerely apologize."

"I'll accept the apology. But when it comes to stuff about the children you need to be a little more level headed." She responded. "You're not the only one stressed about Scarlett coming earlier than planned. I'm fucking terrified if I'm being honest."

I opened my arms for her. "Come here please." I just wanted to hold her. Having her in my arms helped me clear all the emotions I was feeling.

She was hesitant, but that was probably my fault. It was like she felt she needed to be cautious and I hated that. She was my wife, I should never make her feel that way. But sometimes my anger could get pretty bad to the point it can be scary, and earlier was one of those moments. Not even she was able to talk me down.

She joined me on the hospital bed and laid her head on my chest. I closed my arms around her tightly and gave her a kiss on the forehead. This woman had become my world. She was my everything. It was amazing to think back and realize how much our relationship had blossomed.

"I know you're stressed, but you're going to be happy to meet her won't you?" Kaydence asked. I hated that I had put doubt into her mind.

"Of course I'll be happy Love." I kept my tone soft and sincere to reassure her. "A lot has happened to us over the past few days. It was just a lot to take in and I wasn't ready for it. I want to be here every step of the way and I can't do that from a hospital bed."

I could feel her head nod as she remained against my chest. "That's understandable. But in the future maybe you can say that instead of getting pissed off."

"I know." I sighed. "I'll be better Love, I promise."

The waiting period seemed to go by quickly. It was hard to be patient but I did it for Kaydence. She didn't need me to add more stress. I didn't want to be the reason she went into full blown labor. If anything happened to her or Scarlett I would never forgive myself.

"Mr. Tipton, everything is looking great so I think we're ready to have you discharged." The doctor spoke as he looked over his clipboard of papers. "The nurses have already gone over the after care for your wounds. Do you have any concerns for me?"

"No." I answered.

"Okay." The doctor nodded and then looked between Kaydence and I. "If either of you end up with any question you can call and a nurse on duty will be more than happy to answer them for you."

"Thank you." I responded.

The doctor left the room and I began to get dressed in the clothing Kaydence had brought from home. She picked things I didn't usually wear unless I decided to be super casual, which wasn't often. I pulled on the black t-shirt. Moving my right shoulder still hurt like hell but I wasn't going to let it affect me too much. I then pulled on the red pair of gym shorts.

I smirked as I caught Kaydence staring out of the corner of my eye. "Hold yourself back Love. Your doctor says we can't do naughty things right now." I stood up and got close to her. I looked her up and down, she was wearing a light blue dress that hugged her in all the perfect spots. "But boy is it going to be hard to hold back."

I could see her cheeks grow a tinge of pink as she blushed. "Shut up." She responded.

I wrapped my good arm around her and brought her in for a kiss. Our lips moved in sync with each other. I waited for my opportunity and let my tongue enter her mouth to play with her's. Our kiss seemed to get more and more intense, if she wasn't restricted from sexual activity I would've fucked her on this hospital bed.

Instead I pulled back and released her. "Almost got too carried away there."

"I know." She sighed with disappointment. I could tell just by looking at her that she didn't want to stop. That she wanted things to go further. But we would have to wait.

The nurse came into the room with papers in her hand. I got my shoes on as I listened to her go over the information I had already been told many times. I didn't mind that she was going over it yet again because I knew Kaydence would want to hear it. She had made it clear how important it was to know how to deal with my wounds.

After the nurse finished we were released. I held Kaydence's hand as she led me to the parked car. Cody had been at my door since I was admitted. He followed behind us and watched our surroundings closely. We got into Kaydence's car and Cody hitched a ride with Max.

I watched out the window as Kaydence drove us home. The drive was silent but we finally arrived. We went inside the house and I looked around. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. The first time I had actually looked myself over since the hospital.

I looked at myself in the mirror. For me I didn't see myself as I did before I had been shot. I felt like the me before could bring people to their knees. People would do anything to stay in my good graces or they'd about shit when facing the consequences. But the Damon looking back at me now looked weak to me. I didn't feel the power I once did. And well, that really fucking pissed me off.