Nothing Is Going Right

I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. It was either here or the study he would try to hide himself away from everything. I stood in front of the bedroom and tried the door handle. Thankfully he didn't lock it if this is where he came in.

I went inside of the room and shut the door behind me. He sat at the end of the bed with his head bowed in shame. "Are you willing to talk?" I asked. I didn't want to try to force him into talking if he really needed a moment by himself.

"Yeah." His voice was quiet as he responded.

I walked over and took a seat next to him on the bed. "Where exactly did that outburst come from? Because you've never yelled at him like that about eating his dinner."

Damon thought for a moment and then let out a sigh. His eyes were still glued to the floor, I could tell he didn't want to look me in the eyes right now. "I don't know where it came from. I just got frustrated."

"But why?" I was being patient but I wanted answers. I wanted to pin point if he could do this himself or if we needed to get him some help. "It's just some green beans. Nothing to get upset about."

He shot up from the bed. "It's not just green beans!" His icy blue eyes finally met my green orbs. I could tell there was a lot of emotion behind them. Emotions that Damon has never had to deal with.

"Then what is it?" I asked calmly.

I could tell he was struggling to put things into words. This was all new to him, he wasn't used to being vulnerable. "I-I don't know." He finally responded. "Just nothing is going right and it's really pissing me off."

"I understand that." I nodded. "I also understand that this can happen with patients that went through what you have. There are options for you Damon."

"Options like what?" He asked.

"The doctor said if you need to we can reach out and get some help. You might be going through post traumatic stress disorder." I answered.

I could tell my answer wasn't what he wanted by the change in his demeanor. "No, fuck that." His tone was colder. "The doctor doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about."

I stood up from the bed and closed the gap in between us. "Quit thinking you know better than everyone else Damon. Right now your problem is you're dealing with emotions you've always avoided feeling along with what happened to you. Let people help you before you lose yourself from all of this!"

He stared at me blankly. I wasn't sure what effect my words might have. I was trying to be as patient as possible. This was a hard time for us all but he was the one who was dealing with it firsthand. But I can't just let him think his outbursts are okay, that would make a bad situation worse.

"I'm going to make sure Sterling ate and then I'll have him get in the bath. I'll be back once he's in bed. I'll send your plate of dinner up to you and you better eat it." I spoke once more before leaving the room.

I went back down the stairs and into the dining room where Rose had managed to get Sterling to eat all of his dinner. I sat back down at my plate. I still needed to finish feeding myself.

"Did daddy yell at you too?" Sterling asked, slightly worried.

"No honey." I answered. "We were just talking is all. But I need to get you ready for bed and then I'll talk to him more."

"Okay." Sterling responded.

I turned my attention to Rose. "Will you take Damon his plate please. He's up in the bedroom."

"Of course." Rose got up from her chair and began to gather Damon's meal.

"Let me know if he gives you any trouble please." I directed.

She nodded in response. "I will." She then took the plate and left the dining room.

"I ate my green beans like a good boy." Sterling spoke up once more. "I didn't want to make daddy mad again."

I reached over and tousled his hair. "He wasn't mad over that. Daddy just has a lot going on right now that he just got frustrated too quickly. Now go get ready to get in the bath for me please."

"Okay mommy." Sterling left his seat and went upstairs.

I finished my dinner by myself. I needed the moment alone anyway. I was feeling my own stress about everything and it wasn't going away. I tried to relax as much as possible but it was too damn hard. I was constantly worried about Scarlett and Damon both. Damon was right, nothing was going right but there was little we could do about it.

I finished my food and took it into the kitchen. Then I made my way upstairs and made sure Sterling had bathed and I got him ready for bed. We read a few books together and then I left his room so he could get some sleep. My mother still had Jet with her tonight but he would be returning tomorrow to be with Sterling once again.

Damon had taken the food from Rose without any fight. He remained in the room the whole time though. He only opened the door to put the empty plate outside for Rose to grab. I was glad that he had at least listened and ate his dinner.

I made my way to the bedroom and went inside. Damon was sitting on the bed again but in only his boxers this time. It looked like he had finished changing his bandages to some fresh ones. I had helped him since we had gotten home but he didn't ask for my help this time.

I changed into my pajamas and headed for the bed. He stood up and pulled me tightly into his arms. My head rested against his chest as he held me close to him. "I will get this figured out okay?"

"How?" I moved my head so we were looking at each other.

"Look, it's only been a couple days. Let me get back into work and we can see how I do with that." He suggested.

"And how is working going to help this at all?" I looked at him curiously as I waited for his answer.

"Work has always been my outlet. Without my outlet I feel like I'm in over my head. I just need to get back to some normalcy." He responded.

"Okay, fine." I was reluctant but I agreed. "But if work doesn't help then please talk to the doctor. I can't end up still losing you over this Damon. I just can't."