It's Literally My Job To Worry About You

We ate with Martin and then left shortly after. I took the kids with me and followed Damon home. Even at dinner he seemed distant again. It was like the way he had been on the night my water broke with Scarlett. There shouldn't be any reason for this though. He had taken all the steps he was supposed to. Why was he starting to get set back all of a sudden?

I tried to think of everything in the past few weeks. Were there signs he was struggling again that I had missed? I couldn't pick up on anything. He seemed so happy to be with us except for the occasional moment when he got some news he didn't like. But even then he still was handling that better than he had before treatment.

We pulled into the driveway and he helped me get the kids out of the car. We went right upstairs where I got both children bathed and ready for bed. Damon was quiet but he still helped me out. He got Scarlett's bottle ready and he had taken her to be fed while I read Sterling his book before bed.

"Mommy." Sterling spoke to get my attention after I set the book down.

"What is it honey?" I asked.

"Is Daddy still happy with us?" There was a look of concern on his face. "He didn't seem happy to be with us today."

"Yes." I gave him a small reassuring smile. "Sometimes people just have days where they don't seem so happy. Today it was because of work but I'm sure he was still happy to be with us at dinner. Even if it didn't seem like it."

"I just worry about him since the last time." Sterling spoke honestly.

"He'll be fine. I promise. Now it's time to get you to bed. Okay?" I began to stand up from where I sat on his bed.

"Okay. Goodnight Mommy." Sterling smiled.

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and headed for his door. I turned back to face him once more. "Goodnight."

I left his room and went across to Scarlett's room. Damon held her in his arms and was in the rocking chair moving it back and forth. Now that we got her into her own space she was sleeping fantastic at this point. She only woke up once or twice through the night.

I noticed she was almost asleep so I slipped back out of the room quietly. I went down the hall and entered our bedroom. I turned the baby monitor on and watched as he finished putting Scarlett to bed. Once she was finally out he left the room to join me in our own.

He shut the door behind him as he came in. "She went down pretty easily tonight." He spoke as he began to undress out of his suit.

"That's good." I responded. "It's always nice when she lets us have an easy night."

"Yeah." He agreed.

I watched as he stripped off his button up shirt and was only left in his pants right now. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. "Are you sure that contract thing is the only thing bugging you?" I placed a soft kiss on his shoulder where he had been shot. It was healed up but it was going to be leaving him with a scar.

"Yes." He sighed. "How many times am I going to be asked this? I'm really getting tired of repeating myself."

"I understand. I just want to make sure mentally that you're in a good place." I answered.

"I told you I'm fine. I'm doing what I need to do." He turned around to face me and his icy blue eyes looked into mine. "Stop worrying about me."

"You're my husband, it's literally my job to worry about you." I responded.

"I get that. But you can tone it down a little bit." His face was emotionless, like it had been earlier.

I stepped away and sat down on the bed. "Look, you acted the same way tonight that you did the night I went into labor. I'm sorry but I can't help that something seems off with you."

"I don't come at you when you've had a rough day." He was clearly irritated by my words. He kept his voice calm but I knew by his tone that I had hit a button. "I'm allowed to have a rough fucking day at work. If something is wrong I'll tell you, you don't need to be constantly on my back."

"It's important that we check in with each other." I explained. "That's how we both make sure we're doing okay. Especially since I'm not necessarily completely in the clear of postpartum depression. It can still develop during this first year."

"I'm aware Kaydence. But this constant bugging me to admit something wrong isn't helpful to me. All it's going to do is piss me off and it'll do it pretty quick too." His face was no longer emotionless, he was frustrated. The way he looked at me I knew he'd rather be anywhere else than here having this conversation.

"Why? Why does my checking in on you piss you off?" I folded my arms across my chest. His words had sent up a red flag. This was the first time since Scarlett was born that he had admitted to my questioning pissing him off.

"Because you ask me the same questions every fucking day. I'd like to talk about more. I've never been the feelings type. Just because of the treatment doesn't mean that's changed." He answered.

"You're the one who said the therapist recommended the ones around you ask about things when you get home to help you take a load off mentally." I reminded him of something he had told me after his second appointment. It seemed he had forgotten about that detail. I was becoming suspicious. He had continued going right?

He thought for a moment before answering. I could tell he was thinking back as his face softened. "You're right. I'm sorry. It just can get annoying to get the same questions every time I walk in the door."

"I understand that. I just need you to communicate with me." I stood back up and closed the gap in between us. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my hips. "I just love you and I want to take care of you is all."

He gently placed his lips on mine. He gave me a peck and then pulled back. "I love you too. I appreciate it Love. But there's no right way to do this really. I don't mind you checking in on me but maybe we can figure out a different way."

I nodded. "Do you have any suggestions?"

A smirk crossed his lips. "How about we base it off how hard I fuck you? If it's rougher than normal then that could mean I've had a bad day.

I rolled my eyes as I tried to hide the fact I was blushing. "A different way Damon. Sex isn't the answer."

His smirk grew wider. "Who said it wasn't? I personally think it's a great idea. Besides even if I have a rough day fucking you is perfect to release the stress."