I Wanted To Make You Dinner

I finished up at Amethyst and headed home at four in the afternoon. Damon made it quite clear with Julie that I needed to be home on time. I got into my car and started the drive. Max followed behind of course. When he wasn't following me in a car he was seated by the doors of Amethyst. He watched who came in and who came out.

As I drove I thought about what Julie had said. I did know Damon best. And right now he still wasn't acting like himself completely. By now he should've been just about done with his treatment. With how Damon's ego was once the twelve weeks were up I knew he would refuse anything further. If he still wasn't completely better then we needed to talk about continuing on with the therapist.

I focused on the road as I thought. Time flew by and I reached the opening of the driveway. I pulled into my spot in the garage and proceeded to shut off the car and get out. I headed for the door entering the house. I was expected to be greeted by Sterling but the house was quiet. Too quiet.

"Hello?" I called out as I looked around.

"In here!" Damon's voice hollered from the kitchen.

"Where are the kids at?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

I was taken by surprise to see Damon cooking something up on the stove. He was in his nice pair of black pants and a dark grey button up shirt. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looked so handsome as he focused on whatever it was he was making.

He stirred something in a pan and looked up at me. "I told your mom I wanted to make you dinner. She offered to take the kids so we could have some time alone." He smiled.

"Is there a special occasion?" I raised an eyebrow. I appreciated the gesture but Damon didn't cook very often.

"No." His smile remained. "I just wanted to surprise you. Was that okay?"

"Of course." I gave him a smile of my own.

He seemed to be in an extremely good mood today. He had his good days but this one was a little different, but in a good way. This was enough to ease my mind just a little bit. Maybe work had just been really stressful recently and that's why he had been irritable.

"How was work?" I asked as I sat down on one of the stools at the counter in the middle of the room.

He had turned his attention back to the meal he was preparing. "It was good. I got the deal signed with the Scott's so that's a stress off my back."

"That's good." I responded. "So what are you making?"

"You'll see. It'll be good though. I promise." His confidence was clear in his voice.

"I know." I agreed. "You have yet to not impress me with your cooking skills."

I knew whatever he conjured up in the pans on the stove it was going to taste phenomenal. Damon was an amazing cook, he just rarely had the time to spend in the kitchen. If he wasn't a fantastic businessman then he definitely could have a career as a chef. The handful of dishes he made me were even better than the ones I would get at one of the restaurants he took me to.

"It'll be done in about ten minutes. Why don't you take your shoes off and relax?" Damon suggested.

"That's a good idea." I got up from the stool. "I'll be right back."

He glanced up at me with a smile. "And I'll be here waiting for you."

I walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch to take off my heels. It felt nice to have them off after a long day of work. It was also a perk to be able to actually sit down and relax for a second. Usually when I got home it was still non stop with the kids. My only relaxation was a few minutes before going to bed. Then I woke up and did it all over again.

I got up from the couch and headed back into the kitchen. Damon was putting the meal onto plates. "Meet me in the dining room." He spoke as he heard my footsteps approaching.

"Okay." I turned back around and went into the dining room like he had asked.

I took a seat and then he began to bring in the meal. He first placed down a green salad he had cut up himself and some bread sticks. Then he placed a plate of chicken parmesan in front of me. With the perfect amount of noodles under a good size piece of chicken with sauce and cheese. It looked amazing and I couldn't wait to bite into it.

He went back to the kitchen and brought in a bottle of wine with two glasses. He opened the bottle and poured a glass for the both of us. "The only thing I didn't make from scratch were the noodles. I apologize if they're not the best."

"No apology necessary. It looks amazing handsome." I complimented with a smile.

He took his seat across from me. I could tell he was thinking about something. Finally he decided to speak. "I just want you to know that I appreciate you. So much."

"For what?" I asked before taking a sip of the wine. I placed the glass back down and started to eat the salad he had brought in.

"Just being you. For being an amazing mother. For being an amazing wife." He complimented. "You've been a soldier for me lately, I don't know how you do it. I just wanted you to know it hasn't gone unnoticed and I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." I responded. "But I'm just doing what I'm supposed to. I'm helping take care of my family."

"And you do a damn good job at it." He spoke as he watched me take a bite of the chicken parmesan he had cooked up for me. "How is it?"

I finished chewing and swallowed it. "It's amazing. Just as I expected."

"Good." He smiled.

We continued on with our meal. It felt nice to just be able to sit and talk with each other. It was an adult conversation on top of that. With the children here Sterling usually took the lead on conversation at dinner. He would talk about whatever was on his mind. It was adorable but sometimes I did miss just actually talking with Damon.

He also seemed relaxed and happy. I still was going to be cautious as this could just be a one time thing. He could go back to being irritable and distant tomorrow. I had to keep an eye on his behavior. Then once the time was right I would approach him about my concerns.

He swallowed a bite of food and then proceeded to look me up and down. "Do you remember the first night we had sex?"

I could feel myself blush. He was referring to the night he gave me the money for the medication my mother needed. "When you picked me up? Yes."

"You were incredible. And you still are Love. I was thinking," He paused as a seductive smirk crossed his lips. "I was thinking maybe we could do a little reminiscing tonight."

I shot back with a smirk of my own. "As you wish, Mr. Tipton."