I Need To Fulfill My Role

I waited for the elevator to open on the thirty second floor. Damon had called me over to his office for something important. I was a little nervous to find out exactly what it was. He sounded very serious on the phone so I came as soon as I could.

The doors to the elevator opened and I marched my way towards his office. Stacey looked up from her computer as she saw me approach. "The door's open, he told me to tell you to head inside."

"Thank you." I nodded.

Usually Stacey would say hello. We would chit chat with each other and then I'd be on my way in. It seemed even Stacey knew this was an important matter. What the hell did he have me come here for? I swear to god if this is just him getting me here so he can have his way with me I'll kill him.

I opened the door and walked into the office. Damon was standing at the big floor to ceiling window with his hands laced together behind his back. He was looking out over the city but turned his attention to me once he heard the sound of my heels on the floor.

"Love, thank you for coming on such short notice." He spoke as he walked over and wrapped an arm around my waist. His lips met mine for a few moments and then he released me.

"What's so important that you needed me here right now?" I asked as I watched him take a seat at his desk. I went over to the seat across from him and sat down.

"Something has come up that we need to talk about. But I need you to remain calm about it and listen to all I have to say." He held a serious expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I was beginning to feel uneasy by his demeanor.

"No." He shook his head. "Something has come up with one of our partners in Florida. I need to fly out and meet him."

"What's happened?" I questioned.

"Our partner is going broke so some things need to be reevaluated." He spoke as if it were no big deal.

"Damon. Are you sure that's a good idea?" My uneasy feeling remained. He hadn't gone on a business trip in months since the shooting happened. Well except for the trip to Atlanta but even then he had me. I was worried about him being on one on his own.

"I have to. I can't keep sending Remington to do all my work for me. I'm the President and CEO of the company. I need to fulfill my role." He answered seriously.

"I understand that." I nodded. "But you've just barely finished your treatment and you'll be on your own. Won't that make you more vulnerable to someone?"

"I will have extra security with me. I will also keep extra security at the house for you and the children. I will only be gone for three days while we get this figured out." He responded. "No one will get the opportunity to hurt either of us, I promise."

"Even with more security I don't feel like this is a good idea." I bit my lip from being anxious and nervous.

"Why Love? It's more than being worried about me being vulnerable to someone else isn't it?" He looked me over with his icy blue eyes as he tried to read what I was feeling.

I let out a sigh. "What if you're on your own and something happens and you can't handle it?" I asked.

"So it's the PTSD you're worried about then?" He raised a brow at me.

"Yes." I responded as I looked into his eyes.

He stood up from his chair and I watched as he walked around to where I was sitting. His eyes looked into mine as he caressed my cheek with his hand. "I'm better now Love, you don't have to worry about me. I've learned how to handle it. I need you to trust me and let me get on with my business. We can't let this hold us back any longer."

"I know." I spoke as my eyes were still on his.

"You do trust me again don't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I trust you." I answered honestly. "I'm just worried is all."

"I have to do this one. It's my job. I'll check in with you as often as you'd like but I need you to let me go and take care of this." His face held a soft expression.

I knew I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I couldn't keep him here in Nashville forever just because I worried he would come back changed again. Trying to keep him by my side would just be holding him back from his work. He was too passionate about Tipton Enterprises, it was his whole life before me practically. I knew I needed to let him go.

"Check in with me when you wake up, when you eat lunch and when you go to bed." I gave a reasonable request.

I noticed a slight smile cross his lips. "Of course my Love."

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"I need to go as soon as possible." He answered. "I figured we could leave from here together and I'll go see the kids before I go."

"Okay." I nodded.

Damon and I left his office after our conversation was finished. He had offered to pick up Sterling as he was visiting the orphanage today. Then we would meet back at the house so he could see the children before he had to catch his flight. I made it back here first and was beginning to feed Scarlett a bottle when Damon and Sterling walked into the living room.

"Hi Mommy." Sterling smiled and sat down on one side of me.

"Hey." I gave him a smile in return.

Damon sat on the other side of me on the couch. The four of us visited with each other for the next hour. Damon had taken over Scarlett once she had finished eating. Sterling told us about his day and how he made a project with Isabelle. And well, I just sat back and listened while watching my family.

After that hour passed Damon looked down at his watch. "I have to get going now."

I took Scarlett back from him and stood up to walk him out. "Okay."

He placed his hand at the small of my back as we walked together and Sterling followed behind to say goodbye. We reached the front door where Cody was already waiting with the car. Damon gave Sterling a big bear hug and then hugged both Scarlett and I. He then gave me a kiss goodbye on the lips.

"It'll be fine." He gave me a reassuring smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." I responded.

I watched as he walked out of the door of the mansion. I could only hope that this would go as smoothly as he made it sound.