Permission To Pull His Background

Damon's hand gripped my thigh firmly as we sat in the car together. He was still worked up from the encounter in his office. "Stop the car." He ordered Cody.

"Yes sir." Cody pulled over.

"Now get out and go do something productive for a few minutes." Damon ordered.

"But sir-" Cody began but Damon cut him off.

"Now." It wasn't up for a debate.

"Yes sir." Cody reluctantly agreed and then got out of the car.

Damon made sure the doors were locked and then turned his attention to me. "I can't wait until we get home. I need you now."

Before I could answer he had me laying on the seat and he was between my thighs. His lips were on mine again. This time they seemed even hungrier for me than before. His tongue entered my mouth to battle with mine as he moved my skirt up to my waist.

I unbuttoned his shirt so that I could feel up his bare chest. I could hear him undo his belt and zipper as his mouth remained on mine. I had been excited all day over the encounter in the office, I had been craving to have all of him inside of me. This was an advantage for him as it left me wet and ready.

He broke the kiss as he positioned himself at my opening. He then thrusted inside of me. He picked up the past going harder and harder. His free hand moved down so he could use his thumb to roughly play with me. My nails dug into him and I could hear the moans begin to escape my lips.

He got more and more forceful as he continued on. I had reached my edge quickly and the climax took over my body for the second time today. I bit his shoulder to muffle the moans of pleasure that were escaping my lips. We were in a car, there's no way we wouldn't be heard if someone had been walking by.

The build up from today and feeling me tighten around him had become too much for Damon. His climax had started just as I was finished up with mine. He let grunt after grunt out as he emptied himself inside of me. He held me tightly against him as he finished up.

Finally we pulled apart and fixed our clothing. He then sent a text for Cody to return to the car. I couldn't help but blush and feel embarrassed as Cody got back into the driver's seat. It was no secret to him why Damon wanted privacy. Thankfully as always, Cody didn't say a word.

We pulled up to the mansion after driving through the city. We got out of the car and headed inside where my mother had Sterling and Scarlett playing together. He was driving his toy cars on the floor and making the noises to go with it. Scarlett was getting a kick out of the car noises that left his lips.

"We're home. You have been relieved of baby duty." I smiled as my mother had turned her attention to me.

"Perfect." She spoke in a pleasing tone. "I have somewhere I need to be by seven."

"Another date mother?" I smirked.

She hesitated as she thought for a moment. "Yes." She was nervous about admitting to the date.

"You're nervous. Stop it." I responded. "You're allowed to have a life mother. Is this the same guy as before or are you out there playing the field?" I joked.

"Same guy as before." She answered. "It's not the date I'm necessarily nervous about. It's something else."

"What is it?" A look of concern quickly took over my face. "Is something wrong mom? Because if so you better tell me right here and right now."

"Nothing's wrong Kaydence." She reassured me. "His name is Simon and he would like to meet you."

"So things have gotten pretty serious then?" I questioned.

"It would seem so." She nodded. "If you don't want to, I completely understand and I can tell him no."

"No. It's fine." I responded. She seemed to relax instantly. "I just have a few rules before I agree to meeting him."

She tensed back up. "I thought I was the mother here. What rules do you have in mind?"

"I want you to give Damon permission to pull his background." I had to make sure this man was safe before I agreed to anything.

"Kaydence, that's a little excessive don't you think?" She seemed baffled at my request.

"I don't think so. Especially right now." I was standing my ground on this part.

"Mira, I have to agree with Kaydence here." Damon chimed in as he had stood by to be present for the conversation. "With the culprit here in town we just need to be cautious. Let me look into him and make sure he's legit for you."

My mother thought for a moment at Damon's words. He brought up valid points and she was aware of that. After a moment she finally spoke. "You have my permission then."

"My other rule is I'd like for Damon and I to meet him before the children do." I felt that it was a reasonable request. "I just want to make sure he's a good guy. This family has been through enough, the last thing we need is someone else coming in who's out to get us."

"I understand." She nodded. "I was thinking that maybe we would plan a dinner at my house. Just the four of us."

"Are you sure you don't want to do it here?" Damon asked.

"I'm sure. I think it would be good to do it in a my own environment. Besides, it feels like it's been ages since I've been able to cook Kaydence a meal in my kitchen." My mother definitely wasn't going to budge on having it at her home.

"Understandable." Damon nodded as he didn't push the issue any further.

We continued talking with my mother for a few more minutes. Then it was time for her to get going to meet this Simon. She gave the children a hug and kiss goodbye. Damon and I walked her out to make sure she was safe. When she drove off she headed back inside.

"So you're really okay with meeting someone your mother is dating?" Damon asked.

"Yeah." I answered. "She deserves to be happy. She's been alone for too long."

Damon nodded. "My father never tried to date after my mother. When she passed he just threw himself completely into Tipton Enterprises. Therefore I never had to face something like this."

"I mean, if I had it my way my dad would still be here and she would've never had to deal with the lonely feeling." I responded. "But for now as long as this Simon fellow makes her happy that's enough for me. I just hope he really is who he says he is and not out to get her for whatever reason.

Damon placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'll take care of it. Don't worry."