How Are You So Calm About This?

A month had passed. A whole fucking month since Damon informed me Zach had went back into hiding. He was dealing with this a lot better than I was. He was more relaxed and I was a little more on edge this time. I just wanted this to be over but there was no end in sight.

"Love, what's on your mind?" Damon asked as I looked out of the window of the study.

"The same thing that's been on it." I answered honestly.

"Try not to dwell on it. There's only so much we can do." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How are you so calm about this?" I questioned. "He's still out there somewhere."

"Because I know with the security we're safe." Damon responded. "Because I know this is what he wants from us and I refuse to give it to him."

Things had been quiet. Way too quiet for my liking. I could feel we were in the calm before the storm. I knew once that storm began pouring down it was going to be a big one. Something was coming, I could feel it.

I let out a frustrated sigh. In here is the only place I vented out my frustrations. Outside of the study I held myself together. When I needed a moment we would come in here and Damon would let me get it out. Because outside of this room I had responsibilities that came first. I had to focus on the stores and on being a parent.

Not to mention we also had the stress of being in between holidays. Thanksgiving had passed and now we were into December. Christmas was coming and it was coming fast. I guess at least this asshole was decent enough to let us somewhat enjoy our holidays without anything going wrong.

"Why don't you let me help take your mind off of all this Love?" Damon suggested.

I turned around in his arms so we were now face to face. "How?"

"Let me take you out. Just you and me." His blue eyes looked into my green orbs. "There will be security of course but they're good at giving us our privacy."

"What about the kids? Is it a good idea to go out away from them?" I questioned.

"I think they'll be fine with your mother long enough for me to take you to a nice dinner." He spoke confidently.

"I don't know." My tone was low as I spoke.

"What did we agree on Love?" Damon raised a brow.

I sighed. "Not to let this man affect our lives. To continue on with the things we would normally do."

"Exactly." He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "So why don't we go out to dinner? I'll call your mother to see if she's available."

"And if she's not?" She had developed quite the life of her own. I couldn't expect her to drop whatever plans she had to come babysit.

"Then my father can do it. We also have Rose." He reminded me. "Now let's go back out there if you're ready."

I nodded as he removed his arms from my waist. I then led the way to the door. I was ready to move on from the Zach topic. My brain could only handle so much frustration over the matter. Damon was right, we agreed not to let this get to us and it was starting to get at me too much. I couldn't let this man have me live in fear.

I went upstairs as he requested and proceeded to get ready for the dinner he decided we would go to. I settled on a black dress. It hugged my body tightly and had a long sleeve on one side and was strapless on the other. It stopped just above my knee.

I slipped on a pair of silver heels and looked myself over in the mirror. I fixed my golden blonde hair up into a formal bun. I didn't feel like taking the time to curl or straighten it. I touched up my makeup and put on a dark red lipstick.

I walked out of the bathroom when Damon came into the room. His eyes looked me up and down. "Stunning as always." I could hear a hint of desire in his voice.

"Thank you." I gave him a small smile.

He unbuttoned his white shirt and put on a black one. He picked out a dark grey tie and put it on around his neck. He moved past me and entered the bathroom. He began to slick his hair back to make him look more formal.

"Did you get a hold of my mother?" I asked as I watched him get ready.

"Yes." He answered as he finished up and turned to face me. "She is on her way over and will be here shortly."

He walked back out of the bathroom and put on a suit coat that matched his black pants. Once he was finished he approached me and placed his hands on my hips. His icy blue eyes looked into my green orbs intensely. He stared at me for a moment in silence.

"I love you." He finally spoke softly.

"I love you too." I responded.

His lips went down to my neck and he began to give my skin soft kisses. My breathing got a little heavier as he found the sensitive spot he had gotten to know so well. I let out a small moan as he gave a small bite and sucked on me. He then moved his lips away.

His eyes were back on mine. This time they were filled with nothing but desire. "I wanted to kiss you, but I didn't want to ruin your lipstick." He smirked.

"Good think it's something I can reapply." I responded and then pressed my lips onto his.

Our lips moved in sync together as our kiss was filled with excitement and hunger. The need and desire for him had only gotten more and more intense the deeper our relationship got. We had an amazing sexual relationship. But the connection we shared with each other made our intimacy so much more meaningful. He had become such a major part of me.

I pulled away from him. My lipstick had slightly smudged but it was worth it. He wiped what had gotten onto his mouth away. A smirk crossed his lips once more.

"I can't wait to have you all to myself after dinner." His tone was seductive.

I had let go of the negative feelings I had from earlier. This Zach was not worth it. I trusted we would find him. When Damon set out to do something he didn't stop until it was done. We just had to be patient and not let him get to us.

I fixed my smudged lipstick and then we left the room and went back downstairs while we waited for my mother to arrive. Rose was playing with both of the children. It was nice that Scarlett was now more awake. Sterling loved it because now it was like he had an audience to entertain. He got so excited every time he managed to get Scarlett to let out a giggle for him.

My mother arrived about ten minutes later. We said goodbye to Sterling and Scarlett as they most likely would be asleep when we returned home. I thanked my mother for coming on such short notice. Damon and I then headed for the car to go into the city. It was time for us to have a relaxing time and focus on each other.