When People Drink Usually The Truth Comes Out

(Damon's POV)

I sent Kaydence home after we finished up at the store. Thankfully the back room had been locked up tight so her wedding dress was fine. The look on her face though I couldn't get out of my mind. She looked hurt and defeated as she looked around the store. All her hard work was thrown around.

She pushed it away though and replaced it with determination. She wanted to catch this asshole just as much as I did. I was taking the steps to make it happen. There had to be something that would direct me to who he was.

"Mr. Tipton, the security footage is being sent over per your request." Spencer spoke after hanging up the phone.

"Thank you. You may go now." I excused him as I wanted to be alone at the moment.

He nodded and exited out of the office doors. He wouldn't go far. He would just wait outside until I was ready for him. Or he'd find something productive to do.

I pulled up my email that the footage had been sent to. This Zach, Daniel or whoever the fuck he is didn't show his face at Amethyst. But I noticed him walk away, not drive. So I requested for the local businesses to send the footage they had outside of their doors. They all obliged of course.

I went through video after video. He definitely was seen on the footage. He kept his head down for the most part. It was when he reached his destination that he looked up. As expected it was him.

He headed into a bar that was down the street a few blocks from Amethyst. I recognized it immediately. I picked up the phone on my desk and dialed Justin. It seemed like we would be taking a little trip today.

He answered the phone. "What's up?"

"He broke into Amethyst. He's clearly still here." My annoyance and irritation about the situation was clear in my voice.

"Are you serious?" I could hear the disbelief in his voice.

"Yes. I found he went to that bar Roxy's down the street from it. Meet me there." I ordered and then hung up the phone.

I headed out of the office. "Stacey, if anyone needs me let them know I won't be available until tomorrow. Spencer let's go." I kept walking as I spoke.

"Yes Mr. Tipton." Stacey responded as I stepped inside of the elevator.

We headed down to the parking garage. I got in the back seat and informed Spencer where to go. He drove through the city and I arrived shortly. I was pleased to see Justin waiting outside already.

I got out of the car and Spencer followed behind me. I approached Justin quickly. "Thank you for meeting me."

"No problem." He responded. "What are you planning to do here exactly though?"

"I'm going to see if they have any useful information." I explained my reason for coming here. "If he came here, chances are he drank some. When people drink the truth usually comes out."

Justin nodded. "Valid point."

We went inside and took a seat at the bar. The bartender approached us. She was a young woman about Kaydence's age. Her brown hair was tied up into a ponytail. "What can I get you guys?" She asked in a pleasant tone.

"I was wondering if you could answer a question for me actually." I responded.

She looked between Justin and I. "What is it?"

I pulled out a picture that showed his face clearly. "Do you recognize this man? He would've come in last night between ten and eleven last night."

She raised a brow. "Who's asking?"

I pulled out a few hundreds from my pocket and set them on the counter. "Does it matter?" I asked.

She pursed her lips together as she thought for a moment. She then looked around in case someone was watching. She then took the cash and put it in her pocket. "He came in closer to eleven. He kept ordering drinks from me and got drunk but not super drunk."

"Did he say anything odd? Possibly about a break in down the street?" I questioned.

"No." She shook her head. "He spent most of the time trying to get me to go home with him."

"Did you?" Justin chimed in.

She glared at his sudden questioning. "No I didn't go with him. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm here to work, nothing else."

"I apologize for him." I shot him a warning glance so he would shut up. "Did he tell you his name at all?"

"You know it was kind of weird actually." She furrowed her brows as she thought back. "He came in and introduced himself with one name but left stating another. I couldn't tell you which one was accurate though. He paid with cash so there was no card to verify."

"What were the names?" I needed to see if either of them were even close to what we had been told.

"The first name he gave was Daniel." She spoke of the alias we already knew about. She paused as she noticed a customer come in and sit down. "Let me get this person taken care of while I try to remember the second name he gave."

I nodded. "Take your time."

"Bet we already know the second name." Justin spoke after she walked away. "We're not exactly getting any new info here."

"Did your mother never teach you patience?" I scoffed. "Nevermind, don't answer that. I already know the answer."

The bartender returned after she had served her customer. "I remembered. Before he left while he was flirting with me I asked for his name again and he said it was Zachariah."

"Thank you. That's all." I stood up from the stool and headed out of the door.

Justin followed behind me. "Damon." He spoke to get my attention.

I turned around to face him. The name was familiar to me, we both have dealt with someone who had it before. "How many Zachariah's do we know that I have pissed off?"

Justin thought for a moment and then looked at me. "Oh shit, you mean?"

I let out a sigh of frustration mixed with annoyance. "It seems I must've underestimated an enemy. Look into it and see if you can confirm it. Then we'll go from there."