Time Is Valuable

(Damon's POV)

I waited patiently over the next two days for Justin to give me any information. I made attempts myself but it wasn't easy. Zachariah had done well to keep himself hidden it seemed. He was good, I'll give him that. But he wasn't good enough.

I picked up the phone from my desk and dialed Justin's number. It rang a couple times before he picked up. I didn't wait for him to answer, I just wanted to get to the damn point. "Any update?"

"Well hello to you too." With the tone of his voice I could tell he was probably rolling his eyes right about now.

"I don't have time for hello's." My tone was slightly cold as I was irritated that he had yet to answer my question. "So tell me, is there any update?"

"Not yet." Justin sighed as he knew I wouldn't be pleased about his response. "It takes time for confirmation sometimes."

"Well make it fucking hurry. Time is valuable with this." My frustration was clear in my voice.

"Like I said, it takes time.." I could tell he was slightly annoyed by how I spoke to him. "If you want your answer and you want it accurate, you need to be patient."

"With something like this my patience has become very thin to the point that I have barely any left." I responded.

He let out another sigh. "I get it. Really I do. I'm trying Damon, just give me a little more time."

"I don't have any more time!" My voice raised as my anger began to take over. "I need an answer Justin! If it's him I need to know so I can protect my family and take care of him!"

"Calm down." Justin spoke through the phone but his words only seemed to get me more irritated and angry.

"Don't tell me to be fucking calm!" My voice roared with rage.

"Damon-." He started but I cut him off.

"I want an answer and I want it right fucking now!" I demanded.

My breathing was more rapid as I had gotten myself worked up. I took a few deep breaths in and out to attempt to calm myself down. I needed to keep a level head with this. Once I had him in my grasp, that was the time for me to get angry. To vent out all of the rage I had held back for so long about the matter.

What I did to the ones I suspected was bad. But what I would do to Zachariah if it turned out to be him would be worse. I would make him beg for his life. He had grown confident and comfortable with the thought he was tormenting me and my family. All that confidence would be wiped away once we were face to face and I had him begging for mercy.

"I'm doing the best that I can Damon." Justin responded. "I'll try to have it finished by the end of the day."

"That would be great." My voice was now less irritated. "I'll be at a dinner with Kaydence and her mother, when you find out send me a text and I'll give you a call when I have a moment."

"Okay." He paused. "Damon, you said our deal has resumed. I was just wondering if you had been able to do anything on your part."

"I'm working on it." I answered. "Just give me a little more time and I'll have an answer for you as soon as I have confirmation."

"Do you know how much longer it might take?" He asked.

I knew he was still antsy about me tracking down his father. The problem I had been facing was how to get confirmation. It's not like they would willingly agree to a paternity test. They were all well established and a bastard son would ruin their image. I could show up and try to force these men to give DNA samples but I figured I had already made enough enemies that I didn't need to add more to the list.

Instead I was taking a more professional approach. The four men in question were indeed business men. I had set up meetings with each one of them. They all had expressed interest in working with Tipton Enterprises at one point so they were eager to accept.

While these meetings would take place they would be offered a glass of water from Stacey. As they drank on it their saliva would get all over the brim of the cup. Once they left I would have the cup placed into a bag and send it over for testing. It would take a few weeks as I was working the meetings around tracking down Zachariah.

"I will be honest Justin, my priority is taking down my shooter first. But I'm still taking the steps to find your father. You know I keep my word, even to someone like you." I reassured him. I didn't need him thinking I would go back on anything I had agreed to. Without him this whole thing would've dragged out longer, so he did indeed deserve my help.

"Okay. I'll talk to you soon." Justin spoke once more and then hung up the phone.

I began to gather my things to go home and meet Kaydence. I needed to leave on time as her mother was having us over for dinner again. There was a notification that dinged on my phone to let me know I had an email. I pulled it out of my pocket to take a look.

It was from the same email that had sent me an email before. The address was nothing but numbers. I rolled my eyes to myself. Now what? What the fuck does he want?

I opened the message and read it to myself.

"Damon, I apologize for taking so long to do what I came here to do. See the problem is that you've put some obstacles in my way. It's taking me a little time to figure out exactly how to get to you so I can finish the job I was so willing to take on. I've figured it out though Damon, and I'm coming for you. No matter what I have to do. See you shortly."

I scoffed to myself. This was just another ploy to shake things up once more. He was attempting to get to me, maybe even try to scare me. It had the opposite effect though. All it did was fuel the rage and determination inside of me.

The more he pushed the deeper the hole he was digging for himself. He was provoking me but not the side he thought. He must still be under the impression that I'm weak and vulnerable from the shooting, but he was wrong. He was going to be getting the darker side of me. The side who had no problem making my bitch sister lose her mind. The side of me who had no problem ordering for my own nephew's hand to be cut off.

"You're right Zachariah." I spoke to myself in a dark and malicious tone. "You will see me soon."