The Lawyer For Bushemp Industries

"Knight in shining armor is waiting for you to pick up your phone in here." Julie spoke as she peeked her head inside of the back room. "Sounds important."

"Okay." I nodded and headed to the desk. I picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"I need you to come to my office immediately. There's someone here who needs to meet with you." Damon's tone was serious.

"Okay." I felt slightly uneasy. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Just get here as soon as possible." He responded.

"Okay. I'll see you soon then." He clearly was in a hurry for me to make my arrival at Tipton Enterprises. "I love you."

"I love you too." He hung up the phone after the words had made it out of his mouth.

I grabbed my things and informed Julie that I needed her to watch the store for me. Clearly there was something important that needed my attention. I proceeded to leave the store and head for Tipton Enterprises.

The more time it took the easier it became to over think. Who would go there for me? Was this about the Bushemp's? Did someone find out we were how they really had met their demise?

I parked the car and headed inside. I took the elevator up to the top floor and marched my way to Damon's office. Stacey looked up and when she heard the click of my heels coming in her direction.

"Kaydence, Mr. Tipton is waiting for you in one of the conference rooms on the floor below. I can take you down there if you'd like?" She offered.

"That would be good." I agreed. Maybe she could give me some information about whoever it was that had come here.

She stood up from the desk. "Follow me." She smiled and then led the way back to the elevator.

Once the doors were shut I looked over at her. "Do you know who it is? Who came and asked for me?"

"He said he was a lawyer." Stacey answered. "I forgot his name unfortunately. He also wouldn't tell me anything more than that."

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. I followed Stacey to the conference room where Damon and an older gentleman were already seated. This definitely seemed like a serious matter. What the hell could it be?

"Love, have a seat." Damon motioned to the chair beside him.

Stacey closed the door to leave us alone as I approached the table with the two men. I was beginning to feel a little anxious as I still had no idea what was going on. It was also a little nerve wracking that it was a lawyer of all people who wanted to talk to me. What I felt was comparable to the feeling you would get as a kid being called down to the principal's office in school.

"Mrs. Tipton, I'm Mr. Ward. I'm the lawyer for Bushemp Industries and also for the Bushemp estate." The older man introduced himself.

Of course this had to do with them. I glanced at Damon who was managing to remain calm. He put his hand on my thigh under the table as a way to reassure me that I had his support. I gulped down the lump the developed in my throat and looked back to Mr. Ward.

"What exactly is it you need to talk to me about?" I remained calmed on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. Was this about what we did?

"It would seem that you are the last remaining member of the Bushemp line that hasn't been put away for any heinous crime. I'm aware of the history within the family and how this may come as a surprise to you." Mr. Ward sifted through some of the papers in front of him. "Being that you are the last member on record it is my duty to turn Bushemp Industries over to you."

This wasn't what I was expecting at all. I expected that he had been sent by Meredith as a threat. Not that he was here to give me the company. A look of confusion was plastered all over my face as I tried to make sense of all of this.

"But I don't even know them." My confusion was clear in my tone.

"That may be true but it is in your grandfather's will that the company remain in the family unless there are no other possible members. Zachariah was the next in line for it but with his death that leaves it to you." Mr. Ward explained. "Your grandfather even has you named in the will to take over if for whatever reason Zachariah couldn't."

"I can't take it over. I just can't." I wanted to be done with the Bushemp's. I didn't want to get sucked into the business they had sabotaged and ran pretty much into the ground.

"I think it would be worth considering Mrs. Tipton. While there were some things that happened that were unethical, at one point Bushemp Industries was doing very well." Mr. Ward attempted to encourage me to accept what was being handed over.

"Is there a time frame this all has to be done in?" Damon asked Mr. Ward. "Or can she take some time to think it over?"

"I don't want-" I began but Damon cut me off.

"Love, don't be so hasty to make a decision right this second. If there's one thing I've taught you about this world we're in, all possibilities need to be considered." Damon's tone was slightly stern with me.

"The sooner the better." Mr. Ward answered. "The longer it takes then the more time things stay in limbo and that could really begin to impact Bushemp Industries negatively."

Yeah right, I scoffed in my head. As if the company could get impacted negatively anymore. The secrets were out and it was clear how people felt about them. No one wanted to even think about working with Bushemp Industries. The company was dying, just like it should have.

"Let my wife and I discuss it then." Damon spoke up. "We'll try to have a decision made by the end of the week. Then I'll have our lawyer contact you to get everything settled."

"Okay." Mr. Ward nodded and collected his papers. He stood up from the desk and headed towards the door. He stopped for a moment and his eyes met mine. "The Bushemp family has a dark past, I won't lie and say they were all good people. Your father knew that, I handled everything for Samuel when he left. Consider maybe doing this to carry on his legacy, the right way."

"Like my husband said, we'll discuss it and answer by the end of the week." I responded. But my mind was already made up. Bushemp Industries could crash and burn in my opinion.