Farming Part 2

After Seok Nankang looked at the tools, the old farmer told him to grab the tools and work on the farm.

So Seok Nankang did what he was told to do, he went to the farm's field and saw a massive field of weeds.

Seok Nankang groaned at the sight of the massive mess. He went back to the old farmer and asked.

"The hell is this!"

Seok Nankang was quite mad at the old farmer as he was laughing.

The old farmer was laughing and told Seok Nankang " HAHAHA these fields haven't been worked on since 13.8 billion years ago"

Seok Nankang was shocked. Seok Nankang asked "whats your age?"

The old farmer replied " Mind your own business"

Annoyed, Seok Nankang kept asking the old farmer but he would not tell his age.

Seok Nankang stopped and went to work on the field.

Seok Nankang started to work in the field. As he saw that every time he took a weed out, to his surprise, he gained experience.

As he saw this, he works much harder to level up, and for a whole day of work, he gained 21 levels.

"Hey so if I gain 7 experiences for each weed then I get 74 levels for a whole month of work"

Seok Nankang was amazed by the tough leveling system.

Each time a person kills a monster they gain experience and each time they get less and less.

The amount of experience needed to level up to get bigger by 100 experience but that can be counteracted by using items.

So that means that Seok Nankang can level up faster than yo jun-ho, the top player.