The Secret of Taming Monsters part 2

"A potion of warming and a vial of Nature, you will need to give the potion of warming to the monster to give it the feeling of springtime," said the Old Man

"after giving the potion, you will drink the vial of Nature and you will do The Six Rituals of Taming," said the old man while showing what to do.

"First you will need to make sure the creature is calm and collected around you, if the creature is neither of those things then the ritual would not start."

"Next you would need to start ritual 2 which is the start of the taming spell, first you will need to say the chant Ⲓⲗⲋⲇⲁⲅⲫ ⲯϣⳈⲁϫⲫ ⳁϯϫⲁⲋ ⲋⲑⲁⲅⲐⲗ and do the dance of fertility."

"after you said the chant and did the dance you will need to do next is ritual 3, ritual 3 needs you to get an orc's heart, brain, and bones. You will also need a mock turtle's shell and bones."

"You will need to arrange the bones of the mock turtle and orc in a pentagram shape with the orc bones on the outside and the mock turtle bones on the inside"

"Open the shell up and through the flat part of the shell, but keep the bowl part of the shell. Place the shell in the center of the pentagram and grab the orc's heart and place it inside the shell."

"Use the orc's brain to be used as an offering when this ritual is done. Grab a knife that has been blessed by a fairy of life and use the knife to cut the heart. After cutting the heart, you should pick up the heart and make a star shape using the blood coming from the heart. "

"That would cause an advocate of life to appear and use the orc brain as an offering, this would give you a single flower of taming which you will use for the taming spell."

"When you finish the ritual you will need to start the next ritual in 10 minutes or the ritual would never ever start again. You will first need to obtain a living fruit and a drop of sap from the desert rose."

"To start the ritual, you need to grab the living fruit and feed the sap to it. This will cause the plant to grow in size exponentially and be as big as a minor Earth Titan. You will have to kill the plant and bring out the seeds which have been encased in mana because of the desert rose sap.

"The seeds would be as big as a goblin and look green or yellow in color so they would be noticeable enough."

"you will need to eat the seeds and gather the mana from the desert rose."

"The way to eat the seed is you will have to boil the seeds in a mixture of health potion, kobold ears, fennel roots, lava frog liver, and frost spirits nails."

"This mixture should look purple in color. Boil the seeds in this mixture to remove the poison Strocite because of the symptoms of the destruction of the testicles for males and permanent blindness when women eat it."

"Eat the seed when it changes color from green to white and you will gain the mana needed."

"You will then start the next ritual by getting the monster you want to tame, which is in your case a treant."

"When you get the monster, you will need to get the monster to trust you first and have it give you its life stone."

"if a monster gives its life stone then it has complete trust in you because if the stone is broken that monster would die instantly"

"Make a mana circle and place the stone in the middle to activate the skill tree for the monster, this will help the monster get stronger and you get the ability to tame."

"The next ritual requires you to use the tame skill on the monster and that's the whole thing done," said the old man with him trying to catch his voice

"Right, that's all of it old man?" said Seok with his voice tired from having to listen to the old man for this long

"Yes yes that's it well you are gonna need to collect the materials or you aren't gonna start it."

"fine, alright ill start heading out" scoffs Seok

"wait! I have to give you something first" shouted the old man

"What is it, old man?" asked Seok

"here, have this," said the old man as he hands Seok a box

"Woah, what is this?" grabbed Seok

"It's something you are going to need," said the old man

"Also, don't open yet," said the old man

"Why shouldn't I open it?" asked Seok

"well, I guess it's fine. You, open it " said the old man

"Oh, okay then," told Seok