CHAPTER 1 (last day)

Now, being shaken up like an earthquake is not on my best ways to start your day list. But unfortunately I was shook. So..... I woke up, went to washroom looked at the mirror and said "good morning"I kinda made it a habit 'cause what's better than waking up in the morning and making yourself the first person to see in the morning, I showered and dressed up for school and went down for breakfast. Mom and dad were arguing about something which was very weird indeed because they never do. 

      I slowly went closer to the dining room, the closer I went the larger the sound became.

"how long do you think your going to hide it from her" my dad asked 

"I know I shouldn't hide it but what if she is the chosen one" my mom replied. 

"were going next week"


"there's a portal near aunt Marie's house a statue of a man just hold it's hand"

"first of all, how do you know that? And second were waiting until she's sixteen because the effort might even kill her. Once she turns sixteen she is supposed to show a hint....if she is the one"

  Then someone from my left spoke "you're five minutes late for breakfast"

   Now, as they say there should be at least one thing to ruin your perfect life. It's him my so-called brother August Fernando , who has made it a habit of trying to be my guardian. He's just two years older than me. But hey, he shouldn't be bossing around just because he's the elder one.

     "what are you doing?" I asked 

"shouldn't I be the one asking that, eavesdropping on conversations again, huh?"

This guy I swear if I get a chance I might strangle him.

     He went inside the dining hall "good morning mom, good morning dad" Aww the good boy.

     I went in after him "good morning" I said.

"oh look she's here, now your brother told us you'd be late for breakfast"

"she is five minutes late" I gave him a stink eye and sat next to dad. 

 Dad turned to face me "so last day"

"yeah, last day hope it'll be good"

"why just hope? I'm sure it'll be good"

"you are?"

" 'course I am. So.. you need some money?"

"is that supposed to be a question. Yes"

        Bless my father's kind heart he gave me extra money. You know what's the best part, dad gave August the same amount as he gave me 

"dad shouldn't I be getting more money because I'm older" August complained  

"your allowance is already more than hers. Plus we love you both equally"

"but... Money is not love"

Dad ignored him. "do you want a ride to school?"he asked me. 

"no it's okay, Jacob's brother is dropping us to school today"

"what about you August" 

" will's on his way, I'm going with him"

"okay then your mom and I have to go or else we will be late"


"bye honey"

And so they left leaving me and August with our quality time to argue.

"so... you want money?" I asked  

"shut up" he snapped 

"I can give you ten dollars or so"

"shut up"

" ohoho poor little August doesn't get extra money"

"one more word... "

Before he could finish I heard horn of a car. I turned and saw Jacob's brother's car. What a timing. I could really skip the lecture by my brother about how to respect elders. 

"oh I would love to hear your lecture but sadly I have to go"

"you.. "


I ran and got inside the car. Everyone was in the car.

"hey Charlie, fighting with your brother again?"

     Waaaaaaiiiiiittttt! stop. Did I tell you my name? Anything about me? Oh wow. Let's start again then or it'll be better if I just tell you my name and stuff

     Hey there! I'm Charlie Fernando, I'm a girl (if that name confuses you). I'm 14. So if you don't mind that's enough information for now.

        Back to the car, the one who asked me if I was fighting with my brother again is Jacob's brother. The nicest brother anyone can ask for? That's him Julian Davis. He's four years older than me yet he's so sweet and friendly.

        Let me introduce you to my squad, sitting in the front near Julian was Jacob he's almost an expert with technologies sitting on the back next to me was Alexandria my best mate(well everyone in the car were my mates but Alex's parents and mine works for the same company so we've been together since we were two). And next to her was Eleanor she was a pro with makeup, though she only puts light makeup on her face. Partly because  she doesn't need makeup. She's a really beautiful girl, blond hair and warm brown eyes. Next to her was Benjamin page, our singer boy. Charming he is, he's an year older than us. You need brotherly support in a fight he's there for you.             

"so...What's the topic of the fight today?" Alex asked.



"dad gave us equal money, no elder privileges, he is soo pissed off"

"and you teased him" Ben finished it for me. 

"of course, do you think I would let go of an opportunity to humiliate my pathetic brother?"

"I don't know why but I'm getting a feeling wishing to be your brother is like calling a monster and saying, hey I'm here come and eat me! "

"Hehehe, is that enough?"

"he has a point" Julian commented

"seriously, it was revenge for him always bossing around. How I wish I can get rid of him"

That's when a bike showed up riding it was August's best mate William Johns, he was a good guy not anything like August. I cant understand how this guy could be August's friend. He was a really nice person . He was more of a brother than August was. 

        August waved at Julian then gave me a stink eye then they increased their speed. And out of sight within a few seconds. Now people you shouldn't drive on high speed. IT'S DANGEROUS.

          "that nerve!" I complained 

"he's your big brother, but tell him too much speed is risky" Julian said 

"like he would listen to me"

         We reached school within a few minutes.

We all got out of the car. Then someone spoke from behind.


"hey honey, you are rich aren't you? why isn't your dad dropping you to school then or is that a lie?" Layla asked. Who's Layla? My archenemy, She's from a real rich family. Always comes to school on Lamborghini, apparently her brother drops her but i never saw him . The girl was interested to have me in her squad, but after I turned her offer down she has been determined to make life hell for me. And the point of me being rich? I am from a rich family but that doesn't mean I have to be like Layla, short skirts, thick makeup, and a lot of showoff. I'm a giant Hoody, sneakers, and headphones kinda girl. Though i wear dresses occasionally.

That's when Julian got out of his car.

"maybe because I wanted to drop her to school" Julian stood at my side. 

Even though Julian is four years older we've been doubting Layla had eye on him, so when he supported me...the look on her face was priceless . If I wasn't on a mood to fight I would have took a photo of her and posted in Instagram. She turned on her heel stormed away. 

"wow, that was different" I turned to face Julian asked "who are you?"

He merely smiled and got in the car and said have great day. And then he was gone, just like that.

"isn't he being too good to you?" Alex asked out of Jacob's earshot 

"no he's not" I snapped. 

"whatever you say BOSS"

"wait... boss?"


"how well do you reckon today will go" Benjamin asked us.

"well.. What's worse than seeing Layla's face, first thing in the school"

"you've got a point"Jacob said. 

" let's get in" Eleanor rushed. 

"okay girl,  do you have any makeup class to take?" Alex asked.  

"actually yes, a junior asked me to teach her how to do makeup"

"of course" the rest of us said in harmony.

And our last day at school started just like that.