Chapter 22

Martin came down to the tenth floor to go to the planning department as instructed by Keith. The latter said he was taking precaution in case things escalated with Dwight, though on Martin's part, he does not understand the need for him to handle it personally. He and Keith encountered much more dangerous men and Dwight is just a small fish. They have a vast number of men under the security team and sending him to handle one Alpha is beyond him. Dwight may be an Alpha but he is not threatening at all, he has no presence at all, though it wouldn't hurt if that boss told him what exactly he needed to do here. Not that he can complain, well he could just for the sake of the argument. Keith has never treated him as a mere employee anyway.

He knew that Dwight has some beef with Keith for reasons they do not know, but for the few occasions, they met the other Alpha outside of work and even prior to his employment to Andersen Enterprise, he can sense the animosity the Alpha has against Keith, which his friend just ignored.

Martin was almost at the planning department office when he saw Dana, Keith's secretary coming out with a longhaired man following behind her. The man looks familiar but he cannot remember where or when they met. Dana nodded at him as she passed by him but the man behind her barely looked at him. In fact, the man seems to be spacing out and is not even aware of his surroundings.

Since Dana left already, Martin is unsure if he is supposed to leave as well, or is there anything else he should do? Keith never told him anything for Pete's sake. He sighed and decided to just head back to Keith's office. He was about to leave when he suddenly caught a whiff of an Alpha pheromone. It is not that strong but the amount is excessive and can affect Omegas. His brows furrowed, guess this is what Keith asked him to check.

Without further checking, Martin already knew who was causing this explosion of Alpha pheromones. There is no other culprit than Dwight. He is the only Alpha in his department as he probably likes to lord over other people, which is why there are mostly Beta on his team.

Martin rushed and almost ran like a bull when he saw a familiar figure looking unconscious, and was being assisted by two female employees.

"What happened?" He asked. "Mr. Stevens, can you hear me?" Martin called out to Dan who just whimpered in response. He glared at the two women, asking them for answers on what happened and why is Dan in his current state.

"Perhaps you should control your pheromones Mr. Martin." April, the assistant manager replied while coughing. The man's pheromones are so strong that even a Beta like them were getting affected by it. "There were just some arguments in our office and our boss lost control of his pheromones and severely affected Mr. Stevens." She replied.

Martin clenched his fists upon hearing what the Beta said. He wanted to punch Dwight right at this moment; Alphas like him are the reasons why some Omegas avoid them. "I'll take over from here." He said and took Dan from the two women and carried him princess-like to the company clinic.

The assistant manager and the other Beta employee stared bewilderedly at the retreating back of the President's Head of Security. Today's was far beyond what you can surmise as an eventful day. They had their first full team meeting with the President with little notice. Their boss lost his patience, went out of control and even blatantly hurt an employee with his pheromones. Well their boss is notorious for targeting Omegas but not as openly like this, that is enough to even disregard the order directly coming from the President himself. Come to think of it, Alex, the other Omega does not seem to be affected by their boss' pheromones and only Dan collapsed. For an Omega to not be affected by an Alpha's pheromones, he's most likely to be mated already. Then why was the President so interested in him? Speaking of the president, he must have some ulterior reason for transferring Alex to his office, if not, he would not send his personal secretary to pick up the Omega and even send out the head of security to their office. Now even the head of security seems furious because of Dan.

Just who in the world are these Omega interns to have caught the interest of the two dominant Alpha's in the company?


"This is Alex Fernandez; starting today he will be an intern in our office." Dana said, introducing Alex to the two women who greeted them earlier. "Alex, this is Chloe, she handled the administrative task here at the President's Office." Dana said, pointing to the petite girl and just like earlier, the woman smiled warmly at Alex. Alex gladly reached out his hand for a handshake, which the petite girl warmly accepted. "This is Vera, she assists me in handling the documents and reports the President needs. You can ask her for anything if I am not around." She then introduced the tall girl who just raised her brows at Alex and ignored his offer for a handshake. Alex withdrew his hands awkwardly, while Vera just sneered at him.

"For now, share the working table with Chloe." Dana instructed. Alex shyly walked towards Chloe's desk and put down his backpack on the floor while Dana talked to Vera.

"Don't mind Vera. She's just jealous of you." Chloe whispered to Alex as she helped him to get settled on his new working area.

"Why?" He asked, confused. Why would Vera be jealous of him? He only met her today.

Chloe gestured for Alex to come closer to her. "She's in love with the boss. Well more than half of the men and women at this building are in love with the boss, but Vera feels superior to everyone else because she gets to see the boss every day. Also, the boss sometimes brings us to company events, so Vera feels like she has the most chance to be the next Mrs. Andersen." Chloe whispered again to Alex. She is not lying though; their boss is one of the most sought after bachelors in the country. He is the heir to one of the richest families and everyone is gunning to be the lucky wife of Keith Andersen.

"Ohhh!" Alex replied. "I mean, I understand that she's territorial with the boss, but why would she be jealous of me? I'm just an intern." He added in case Chloe misinterpreted his initial reaction that she is agreeing that Vera has reasons to be jealous of him. Well, he's Keith's bonded Omega. Does Vera know about them being mates? How and when did she know? He agreed to Keith's suggestion that they should get to know each other but the latter also agreed to keep everything a secret for now. So how did Vera learn about this? Does everyone in Keith's office know about them?

"Well, Mr. Just an Intern, you're the first person the boss openly showed an interest in and that is enough reason for the Oh so Great Vera to feel threatened." Chloe said giggling. "Also, with you coming out of the boss' office looking flustered and your lips are a bit swollen, only a blind person would not know what happened inside." She said teasing Alex who turned red from embarrassment.

So much for just getting to know each other first and hiding about their bonding. Alex made a mental note to tell Keith that there should be no physical contact when they are at the office.

Alex sighed. "I wish Dan was here with me." He thought to himself, and then his eyes grew wide when he realized he had not checked in with Dan. He wonders if his friend is okay, if Dwight did something after he left. He fishes out his phone from his pocket and sends a text to his best friend.

Said best friend just regained consciousness and was baffled to wake up face to face with the Alpha he thought he would never meet again.