Chapter 36

"Working on a weekend?" Martin asked as he slumped down on the couch inside Keith's home office.

"I got nothing else to do." Keith replied without removing his eyes from the documents he is currently reviewing.

"Thought you got some things to do with your Omega?" Martin asked, yawning. He patted the couch and in the end decided to lie down and cover his eyes with his arms.

"Other employers would find your actions impertinent." Keith said sarcastically to his friend. "If you want to sleep then go sleep in the guest room or much better just go home. I give you a day off to rest and not come here at my house." Keith shakes his head at his resting bodyguard.

"Well you're not like other employers anyway. It's boring at home." Martin replied. "Should we ask Chad and Julian to come here? We can play poker." He'd rather spend his day off getting annoyed at Chad's antics than stay at his apartment he could not even call home.

Keith stares at his friend. It must have been one of those days that the other Alpha can't be alone. He stares at his watch, it's almost lunch time, Alex's mother's medical check up should be done anytime soon and his Omega might call him to meet up. He knew the Omega must be anxious right now and might need him to comfort his mate. However, Martin looks awful right now. "Fine, just call them." Keith sighed, he'd just leave them if Alex called. At least Martin won't be alone.


"Your lab results are excellent as usual Mrs. Fernandez." Helena's doctor proudly announced.

"Of course doctor, I have great sons who take care of me very well." Helena replied, gently caressing Alex's face, looking lovingly at her son.

"Doctor Fernandez would be very happy with the result of your check up. Though the nurse told me she has to repeat taking your pulse and you had a rapid heartbeat earlier" said the Doctor.

"Mom, are you okay?" Alex asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, I just got excited seeing you earlier." Helena said, covering Alex's hands with her.

"I will still prescribe you some medicine to help you calm down if it happens again. I will inform Dr. Fernandez about this unless you don't want me to?" The doctor asked Helena, Matt maybe the one scheduling the check ups but Helena is still the patient and the patient-doctor confidentiality applies to her and not her son.

"No it's fine, you can tell Matt about it. I'm really fine." Helena replied with a smile. She was just surprised earlier upon seeing Alex, hence the rapid heartbeat.

After a few more discussions the mother and son duo left the doctors office.

"Are you hungry? Where should we go? I feel like going shopping today, should we head to the mall?" Helena asks her son excitedly and starts to drag Alex towards the taxi stand.


Helena stopped on her tracks when Alex abruptly halted, he's now holding on the hem of the back of her blouse. Though she cannot see what face Alex is showing, Helena can feel the strain in her son's voice when he calls out to her. She can sense her son is suppressing his tears. Alex can be very timid, especially if he has something to say that he thinks would disappoint her. Her instinct as a mother is telling her not to turn around and let Alex be for now.

"Mom." Alex called out again to his mom. He don't know where to start and all he can do is call out to his mom like a little kid afraid to be abandon. He suddenly remember these times he would wake up screaming from nightmares he used to have as a kid. His mom won't ask him about his nightmares and would just held him in her arms and rock him back to sleep like a baby.

Alex may be afraid to tell his brother about Keith because he knows how overprotective his brother is when it comes to him and Matt would definitely not like the idea of him bonding with a stranger. On the other hand, Alex is afraid to tell his mom because he doesn't want to see his mom being disappointed with him. Hurting his mom's feelings is the last thing he would want to do.

"Shhh.. it's okay Alex.. It's gonna be alright son." Helena gently whispered as she pats Alex's hands, still not turning around to face Alex.

"I'm sorry mom... I'm sorry.. I'm really.. hic.. really.. hic... sorry." Alex cried out, his voice cracking as he could not suppress his tears anymore.

"My baby.. please stop crying. Mom's not mad, okay." Helena finally turns around, lifts Alex's face and starts wiping the tears on her son's face. "It's alright Alex, it's gonna be okay." Helena pulled Alex close to her and let him rest his head on her shoulders.

"I'm.. so.. rry.. I ahhh d-dis..appoint.. you. I ahhh." Alex said in between his sobs. He hugged his mother tight as he bawled his eyes out.

Helena gently stroked Alex's back to comfort her son as the Omega continued to cry. "Shhh you will never disappoint me. It's alright. Trust Mom, okay?"


"Have you calmed down?" Helena sweetly asked Alex, handing him a glass of water. After Alex stopped crying, they made their way to the nearby mall and settled to a less crowded diner.

"Th..Thanks Mom, I ahh.. feel better now." Alex replied, his voice hoarse from all the crying he did a while ago. He already bawled his eyes out and yet he still hasn't told his mom anything besides "I'm sorry" and his mom hasn't asked him anything either.

"I'm famished. Let's order first." Helena said as she scanned the menu the waiter handed to them. Helena called the waiter to take their order. "Do you want to eat pancakes? They have a blueberry one." She said pointing at the opened menu in front of Alex. "You like eating those after you cry when you had a nightmare the night before." Helena smiled as she remembered how her meek son who usually doesn't know how to properly express what he wants would suddenly ask her to make him blueberry pancakes when he woke up the morning after he had a bad dream.

"Mom, are you not gonna ask me?" Alex finally asked his mom as soon as the waiter left with their orders.

Helena shakes her head in response. "I trust you and your brother." Helena said, smiling at her youngest son. "You are my son, I could never hate you. I may be a little disappointed but the way you cried earlier is enough for me to know you understand that... that you were wrong for not coming home for a month. You silly boy." Helena said, cupping Alex's face in her hands.

"You knew Mom right?" Alex whispered.

"Of course I do. I'm your mother and mothers know everything." Helena replied, pinching Alex's cheeks.

"I..I d..don't know where to start."

"Son, don't push yourself too hard. I told you it's alright. Sometimes unexpected things happen in our life which are beyond our control. Remember not all unexpected things are bad, it can also be for the better. Sometimes it's how you deal with it too, but no matter what, you have me and Dad and of course your brother. We love you unconditionally, always remember that." Helena said reassuringly, making Alex cry again. This may be too early than she hoped for, but Alex is an Omega, this is bound to happen eventually. "Is this person treating you well?" Helena inquired when Alex calmed down.

"Yes Mom. He comforts me when I feel anxious." Alex recalled how Keith took care of him when he had the gastritis attack during their dinner. "He would make sure I eat my meals" He continued when he saw his mother smiling. "He's a bit too overprotective like Matty." Alex added with a chuckle.

"Oh no, my baby will definitely be more spoiled." Helena said laughing.

"Mom. Is it really okay?"

"As long as he treats you well. I'm okay. Besides he still needs to get past your Dad and of course the final boss, your brother." Helena grinned at her son. Honestly, learning about his son having an Alpha now in his life is too much for her to handle. She wasn't ready yet and she was caught off guard when she smelled an Alpha's pheromones on Alex. However, she is still a mother and as a mother it breaks her heart more to see her son suffering so much from the guilt of disappointing them.

"Thanks Mom, I'm so glad you are my mom"