Chapter 60

"I'm sorry!" Dan said, panting as soon as he opened the car door. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Dan continued to apologize as he sat down beside Alex.

"It's fine. I didn't wait long, besides I'm the one asking the favor." Alex replied, giving Dan a reassuring smile.

Dan stared at his friend and gave him a smile in return. That's the longest Alex has talked today. He got really worried but it seems that Alex truly just missed his husband, thus he was feeling down the whole day.

"Are we heading to the apartment first?" Colin asked from the driver seat, looking at the two Omega from the rear view mirror.

"Yes, sorry again for being late." Dan smiled at Colin's reflection in the mirror. He wanted to come on time but that ass of a boss he has suddenly asked him to photocopy a bunch of contracts he said is needed tomorrow morning.

"It's alright." Colin replied and started driving.

Alex asked Dan to stay with him at the mansion while Keith is away from his business trip. Keith immediately agreed when Alex told him about his plan. He would actually agree with anything Alex would ask him as long as it's not leaving him or aborting their child.

Since the idea of Dan's stay was just discussed this morning, he was not prepared at all, thus the trip to the apartment to get his things. The president offered to buy the things he needed but he declined. He's already mooching off of Alex by staying in his apartment, he could not do the same to his husband.

"Are you okay?" Dan couldn't help but ask when Alex went silent again. "You know it's just two more days right? Should we watch a movie tonight like the old times?" Dan tried to lighten the mood, they used to watch movies when he's sleeping over at Alex's parents house. He sighed, wondering what he could do to make Alex feel better, after all the president asked him to watch over Alex and even if he didn't, he didn't like seeing his best friend like this.

"Sure we could do that." Alex replied nonchalantly.

"I.. I just wish he would come back soon." Alex suddenly blurted out, his eyes are getting misty from the tears forming in his eyes. "I miss him already." Alex started sobbing much to the surprise of both Colin and Dan.

Colin reached for the box of tissues from the glove compartment and handed it to Dan. He can fight multiple opponents at the same time but he doesn't know what to do with a crying Omega, what more that crying Omega is the wife of his boss.

"Thanks." Alex continued to sob as he accepted the tissues from Dan. He felt frustrated for suddenly crying like an idiot. This pregnancy is making into a crying machine, he's becoming too emotional. "Sorry for being silly and the ugly crying." Alex sniffles as he wipes his tears.

"Yeah you really look silly. Ugly? Nah, you kinda look cute, should I take a photo of you? Your husband will probably love it." Dan replied laughing, holding his phone up as if trying to really take a photo.

"Stop it." Alex pout.

"Hmmm I take it back you look ugly." Dan nodded as he stared at the photo of Alex on his phone. "See. You really look ugly." Dan showed Alex the photo and they both laughed at it.

"Finally, you're smiling and laughing again. I thought some alien possessed your body and you forgot how to smile or even talk." Dan sighed, holding his heart in exaggeration.

Alex smiled at his friend. He's really glad that Dan is with him, he doesn't know what he will do if he's left alone while Keith is away.

"We're here." Colin announced, interrupting the two Omega.

"Thanks Colin. I'll be quick and come down as fast as I could." Dan said, his hand already on the handle of the car door.

"Ahmm wait a second." Colin scratched his head. Martin told him about Dan's situation and asked him to look after the Omega but if he came with Dan upstairs that means Alex will be left alone in the car which he cannot do, otherwise the boss will kill him.

"It's fine Colin, I'll be fast, I swear I won't make you guys wait long." Dan reassured Colin.

"It's not that." Colin replied, still having an internal dilemma in his head.

"Why don't I go as well, I can get a few of my stuff as well." Alex suggested, somehow having an idea of Colin's dilemma. "Would that be okay?"

"Yes that would be great." Colin smiled brightly. If the two Omegas are together then there's no problem, he can watchover the two of them at the same time, satisfying his job and his superior's request.

The three of them head up to Alex's apartment once Colin is satisfied that everything is safe.

"Do you need anything Colin?" Alex asked as soon as they got inside the apartment. Dan heads to the room and starts packing the things he needed for the next two days.

"I'll be fine." Colin replied. He was about to tell Alex to pack what he needed so they could head home already when his phone suddenly rang. "I'll take this call, excuse me." Colin heads out of the apartment, the two Omegas will be safe inside while he talks on the phone.

"So what did you find out?" Colin asked as soon as he accepted the call.

"No hello? How are you? Thank you for doing me a favor?"

"Sid. It's not a favor, it's part of my job and so is yours." Colin replied. Sid is who they call the "computer guy" in the team. He's not as skilled as them when it comes to fighting and physical skills but he is still one of the most important people in their team and someone Martin highly relied on. Sid is like the command center for the whole security team.

"Stingy! Hmp! Anyway I did what you asked." Sid stared at the report in his hand. Earlier today, Colin sent him a photo of a man and asked him to run a background check. "What do I get for doing this?" Sid pouted.

"Sid, I'm warning you. I only have a few minutes, start talking."

"Fine!" Sid rolled his eyes, he hates that Colin is always so formal with him. "Dwight Carter, Alpha, 29 years old, third son of the Chairman of Carter Group. Currently working at Andersen's Enterprise as the Planning Department Head. By the way, that's where the boss' wife used to work as an intern."

Colin's brows creased at the information from Sid. If the man is Alex's former boss then it makes sense that Dwight would approach them when he saw them during lunch, on top of that Dan is still under his department. Then why is Alex getting agitated at that man's presence and even Dan looked worried.

"Hey, can I continue?" Sid asked, annoyed when Colin went silent on him.

"Okay continue, you can skip anything unrelated to the boss' wife." Colin replied, completely ignoring Sid's annoyed voice.

"Hmm well not match I can connect to him and the boss' wife."

"Okay then." He must have wrongly assessed the situation earlier and Dwight is nothing but a former boss. Maybe Alex has some issue with Alphas, though that seems subjective since he's okay with Martin and him.

"Wait not so fast Romeo. I'm not done. There's nothing I can connect the two of them but that doesn't mean this Dwight guy is not shady at all." Sid quickly said before Colin ended their call.

"What do you mean?" Colin asked, his instinct is telling him he was right and he should really watch out for that man.

"He has a rep of being an asshole."

"Sid. I need more than that to call someone shady."

"I'm getting there okay?"

"Go straight to the point."

"Fine! This guy has some prior on Omega assault. Like sexually assaulting them but he always ends up not getting charge. I guess because the law is still not that favorable to Omegas. Anyway, one case was dismissed because he said the Omega seduced him with her pheromones and the Omega cannot prove that her pheromones did not really affect Dwight as he said no Alpha can control himself in front of an Omega in heat, the rest is settled without pressing any charges." Sid finally explained.

"Damn it." Colin cursed as he ended the call without saying goodbye to Sid. The Omega will probably rant about it later but it's the least of his problem. He sighed, no wonder Alex and Dan were apprehensive of that man. He should be cautious from now on.