Chapter 69

Author's Note

Thanks guys for your support in my story. I appreciate your comments on every chapter and it really made my day.

To show my gratitude, here's a longer chapter than usual.

Thanks everyone!


Dustin Murphy marched inside the police station with his lawyer in tow. He came to see his youngest son and to personally settle his case once and for all. His idiot lawyer has been useless in handling Dwight's case.

"It was just an Omega who filed the charges and yet you could not get Dwight out of jail and dismiss the charges? When did an Omega win over an Alpha? You're wasting the fortune I am paying you." Dustin was enraged when his lawyer came back to his office with no positive result yet. The idiot could not even find which hospital the Omega is being treated.

Hence his personal appearance to the police station. If he cannot get Dwight out today and dismiss the charges his youngest son would have a criminal record which he doesn't want to happen.

"Ahm, Inspector we're here to see Dwight Murphy. This is his father." The lawyer informed the inspector handling Dwight's case.

Inspector Cain stared at the man who came with the lawyer. The old man seemed like some important person who could not even bother to talk directly to him and have to relay everything to his lawyer.

Inspector Cain received an order from the higher ups to treat this as a priority and for once they were told to proceed with the case even though the suspect came from a rich family. He was so used to getting told to dismiss cases because the suspect is a friend or someone they cannot mess with. Keeping someone like Dwight Murphy locked up in jail is such a breath of fresh air.

Inspector Cain called one of his subordinates to get Dwight Murphy and he led the lawyer and his father to one of their private rooms to wait.

Dustin tapped his fingers on the table as he waited for Dwight to arrive. He has two reasons for personally coming here. One is to get his youngest son out of jail and second to ask Dwight who he pissed off for someone to secretly buy all their company shares owned by third parties.

Dustin gasped in horror when the door opened and Dwight walked in with handcuffs. This idiot lawyer did not mention that his son was badly beat up. His nose had a bandage and seemed to have been dislocated. His right eye was all purple and swollen. He had a cut on his lips. He was also limping a bit.

"Dad! Finally!" Dwight exclaimed in happiness upon seeing his father, he almost cried like a kid. He has never spent a night in jail and it's making his skin crawl from thinking how filthy the place is, besides he was not even in a solitary cell and the guys he was with were all dirty and poor.

"Sit down first Dwight." Dustin told his son who happily followed his instruction.

"When can I go home Dad? I can't stand this place, the men who are in the same cell with me are too filthy and are too scary. You need to help me Dad. I don't want to stay another night in this hell hole." Dwight cried reaching for his father's hands with his still handcuff hands.

Dustin turned to his lawyer for an update on the case.

"I'm sorry Sir, we cannot use the argument that the victim seduced your son with his pheromones." The lawyer replied.

"What do you mean? Omegas are sluts and we all know no one can blame an Alpha if they lose their control when some Omega uses their pheromones on them." Dustin exclaimed. They have used that excuse multiple times already.

"Sir, they said the Omega is bonded and there is no way his pheromones could affect your son's. Also they have proof that your son stalked the victim." The lawyer explained.

"Dwight!!" Dustin screamed at his son who just avoided his gaze. He had no idea about this, now everything makes sense. The owner of that Omega was the one his son offended and is taking his revenge against his company.

Dustin wanted to wring his son's neck in frustration but got interrupted by a phone call from his eldest son.

"Dad, where are you? They are calling for an emergency shareholders meeting. Even the board of directors are invited." Dexter informed his father frantically.

"Dad! Dad! Dad, wait, don't leave me here please." Dwight pleaded when his father stood up from his chair and was about to leave.

"I have some things to deal with in the company. I will get you out of here as soon as I can." Dustin said and went to leave the station with Dwight screaming and crying like a kid for his father to take him with him.

Dustin racked his brains on how to fix this whole mess. Their family owned 45% total shares with 30% of it under his name and 5% each under his three sons. The maximum shares that person could buy is around 40% since 10% of the total shares is owned by Cole, his wife's brother who will definitely not sell his shares and the remaining 5% is owned by the general public. Considering all these, the control would still remain in their family. He just needs to pacify this person to keep the peace in his company and be able to take his son out of jail.

Dustin walked into the meeting room with high hopes which soon got destroyed when he saw the man sitting inside.

"Of all people, his idiot son pissed off Keith Andersen." Dustin thought to himself.

"I didn't know you have an interest in our business Mr. Andersen." Dustin said to Keith.

"I don't." Keith replied. "But your son made me. Anyway, I am busy and I don't have much time. I requested this meeting to remove you as the Chairman." Keith said, looking bored.

"That's impossible. You cannot do that. Dad owned this company." Dexter exclaimed.

"Well based on your By Laws, it only needs a majority vote from the shareholders to remove the Chairman." Keith replied, throwing a copy of the company's by laws.

Dexter grinned. He thought Keith Andersen was a shrewd businessman and yet he didn't know that their family owned the majority of the shares. "Then there's no issue. Our family has always owned the majority of the shares." Dexter proudly stated.

"Hmmm, I owned 51% so I guess that's the majority right?" Keith replied, smirking. "Mr. Secretary, call it out." Keith instructed the Secretary of the Board which is also Dustin's lawyer.

"Ahmm, as stated in the By Laws, the position of Chairman has been removed from Mr. Murphy." The lawyer had no choice but to announce.

"This is absurd." Dexter and Denver both shouted.

The meeting ended with both Dustin's son complaining and screaming. An executive who has been working in the company for more than twenty years has been elected as the new Chairman and President of the Murphy Electronics. The executive was approached by Keith based on Sid's investigation. He is fair and dedicated to the company and he did not hesitate to agree to Keith's proposition when he explained his reasons and his plans.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Dustin asked Keith when they were left alone inside the room. "Why are you so set on destroying my company?" Dustin continued, he wanted to ask why Keith is doing this for just an Omega but he did not dare ask.

"For the record, I wasn't destroying your company. Murphy Electronics is a good company and I am not a monster like your son who wishes for thousands of employees to lose their jobs in order to get back at someone. We both know I have the power to destroy your company if I could but I won't do that. I just want to tell you that I will not let you use your power and your position to give your son a free pass in jail. He dared lay his hand on someone precious to me and he will regret it for the rest of his life." Keith replied to the old man and left the room. He's done in this place, he needs to get back to his wife as he promised Alex they would listen to Bean's heartbeat together.

(Removing the Chairman of the Board is indeed based on what is written in the company's ByLaws but it's not based just on the majority shares. Normally it would require 80% or above, depending on the ByLaws.)


Matt sighed as he finished examining the patient from the emergency room. It was breaking his heart looking at the bruised face of the Omega patient as he tried to check her baby's condition. The Omega woman was beaten by the Alpha who raped and impregnated her when she tried to escape from him.

He was thinking of his brother the whole time he was treating the patient. He was so glad he would be seeing Alex soon, once he saw him, he would be assured that his brother is safe.

"Dr. Fernandez, Dr. Lee is paging for you but you left your phone here at the counter." A nurse informed Matt. They have an Omega patient that got referred to the professor. He asked him to join him in meeting the patient before he went home and have his long awaited vacation. He has been away from home for so long that he was so excited to go back.

"The patient has been assaulted and almost lost his baby. He was referred to us because he is an Omega. The doctor from the emergency room who attended to the patient told me that the baby is safe for now but with Omega being a man there might be complications later on and got referred to us." Doctor Lee explained to Matt.

"There's too many Omega's being assaulted these days." Matt sighed.

"I know you're worried about your brother. After this patient you can head home and take a few days off." Dr. Lee smiled at his protege.

They were heading to the patient's room when Matt's phone rang. He asks the professor if he could just follow him later on as it was his mother who's calling him. There were a few miscalls from his mom that he's worried something might have happened.

"Mattie!" Helena cried as soon as Matt answered the phone.

"Hey Mom what's going on?" Matt asked worriedly. "Mom put Dad on the phone. I could not understand what you're saying." Matt told his mother who was wailing that he could not get what she's telling him.

"Matt. I'm sorry to bother you. We could not contact Alex and he's not at home either. He missed his daily call to us last night so you're mom and I went to his apartment but he's not home as well. We tried to contact Dan if he knew where Alex is but we could not get through with him as well." George informed his son. They have been so worried for Alex since last night and they thought Matt should know about it.

"God where is that brat?" Matt exclaimed. Alex sounded weird when he called him the other day he should have known something is wrong with his brother. "Dad, I'll talk to the professor and I will head home immediately." Matt told his Dad and ended the call. He went inside the VIP room to tell the professor of his family situation.

"Doctor can we wait for a few minutes? My husband is on his way, I would like to listen to our Bean's heartbeat together." Matt heard a familiar voice said to the professor when he entered the room.

His face darkens when he finds out who that voice belongs to. His missing brother is lying on the bed with a cast on his arm and a bruised up face.
