I can kill you

Sierra didn't know what he implied; she only thought a bandage would do the trick and it wasn't that big of a deal. She was used to leaving them like that. It wasn't a big scratch. What kind of infection would she get in a desolate country that doesn't see a shred of new faces?

Duncan pointed at the scratch on her arm that he smelled for a while now. He was a hybrid and half-bloods tend to lose control over their thirst. He had a smile that made him look like a villain to her. She grimaced and turned her head to the side, completely avoiding his gaze.

"It's fine. I won't get infected. It's not like this country is creative with sicknesses."

'Be hopeful! Life will always bring you happy moments to enjoy.'

Her teacher's words flashed before her, reminding her that someone cared and he wanted her to enjoy a moment she denied. However, would it be good to just follow him back? She brought nothing good to warm souls who died unjustly. It was until she came into his life that he died. Wasn't it proof enough she brought misfortunes to people like what her mother said?

The words she said to Duncan were one of the usual responses she said to her teacher. He always had something to counter with and this time too, his words kept haunting her. A reminder of what she caused him, like a whispering poison. She was nothing in the middle of nothing. The first of her worries would be to not stay a burden on anyone. She was already one to someone.

Duncan saw her hesitation but he didn't understand the reason behind them. Still keeping his devilish smile, he jumped to the other sneakily as she was deep within her thoughts. She wouldn't notice his superhuman abilities, right?

As soon as he moved to jump, her head moved to check on him. He smiled and cursed inwardly. He switched to the human method and climbed to the other side. He had to convince her to follow him. He never had to pull someone but she was that kind of person. She needed a hand to reach her and pull her out, especially when everything in life was punching her hard.

"Do you see those buildings there?" he pointed at a desolated area where ruins stood with traces of black painting caused by a burning fire. Her eyes examined carefully the place from afar, searching for whatever he was pointing at inside the ruins but nothing was seen. She nodded warily of his intentions.

"That's where I want to take you. It's a cool place. Don't you think it resembles us? I am an outcast and you are acting like one for whatever reason you made it real and that building too is an outcast. No one goes to it. It was just left like that without apparent reason."

"Wasn't there any story about a vengeful ghost haunting the place?"

"So you heard about it. How about we make sure if it existed? When I first saw you, you were determined to die but I ruined it for you. I am giving you a chance to die a peaceful death," he raised his head proudly as if he had done something worth calling an achievement.

Sierra burst into laughter; she wanted to make fun of him again. "Light travels faster than sound; that's why some people shine brighter until they speak. Ghosts? It's ridiculous. Is that why that place has been sealed? Such a tragedy."

"So will you follow me or will you follow me?"

"You are not giving me much of a choice or you will tell people about me sneaking outside. I don't like it when what I do is seen by other people so I will be careful next time."

"So there is a net time… I look forward to that."

Until now, Sierra saw nothing by being helpful. She brushed her teacher's word like it was nothing. Hope gave meaningless expectations and temporary happiness until you got slapped by disappointment and sadness. What was even happiness? Did it really exist? Or was it an illusion that people created for their inner mind to enjoy a relaxing moment? It didn't matter to her but he got a point; she may die a peaceful death if the building just falls on top of her.

Her mind imagined some scenarios on how her life would end; she even went further and imagined who would cry for her. However, except for her father, she had no one to cry for her. She found it sad but it was worth it. People like her were better off forgotten for good.

"You are a condemned, right? Everyone in the city knows your name so no one will say your name if you did something wrong, right?"

She climbed to the other side of the fence and resumed their sneaking outside, directly to the burnt building. It was hard getting down and moving on the thin walls when a small missed step might get you killed but the fall would be painful and she hated pain so she was vigilant. Her eyes followed each one of his movements and hers as well. He moved so easily and had his hand helping her every time she thought she was done for.

"You didn't answer me. Shall I repeat myself?"

"If I had a dollar for every smart thing you say, I would be poor. Just keep silent until we reach that place. We don't want anyone to hear us; we won't like the result of it."

The building wasn't that far and there were tall trees around it, hiding it from views. If someone wanted to get to it, he had to jump the obstacle the Principal put to seal the place or follow what Duncan made her do. It was until they arrived that Sierra understood what he said earlier, she blushed and glared at him.

"I was just pointing the obvious earlier."

"Just get to it," he smirked. "You were going for something but I needed you to stay silent. We were sneaking around the Principal main house."

She lowered her head and her fingers felt agitated. It wasn't a poor request she wanted to ask of him but something that would end her misery and her fake smiles. "Can you have the courage to kill me?"

His mouth dropped open for a few seconds like a fish but he soon composed himself. Duncan highly doubted her words and didn't want to believe her. He could kill her and make her disappear. He could very well end her whenever he wanted. But he was curious about her; he wanted to know why she was the only one with colours.

"That's why I said if I had a penny for each smart word you get from your mouth I would be poor. What made you assume I could kill someone and get out of the consequences without being harmed?"

"You can sneak out this easily without being seen. You can also kill me. I'd rather have someone kill me," she said weakly, voicing the thoughts that had been buried for months. "It's easier. I can't do it with my own hands. Please, kill me," her eyes turned dull like the first time he saw her.

His eyes narrowed as he bent over her, leaning closer till their foreheads were a few inches apart. "Do you feel already dead, like you have no reason left? Is the pulse of your heart way too heavy for you to shoulder?"

"Have you ever felt lost? Like your life doesn't matter anymore," she bobbed her head between her stretched hand and his face. "Like I am born just to make others suffer, to make their life fade quickly… All my fears and thoughts are burning on the surface, leaving me gasping for air. So yes, the pulse of my heart is so heavy that I feel like I am going to fall at any moment. So yes, I feel like I am already dead."

"I can kill you, indeed," he said, planting his hands on his hips. His black eyes searching for the little sparkle he saw emanating from her the first time she laughed at him but there was nothing. She was hollowed like a frightening ghost. "How about this? Give life a chance once again and if doesn't work out the way you wanted it, I will kill you without hesitation."

"Hmm…" she murmured under her breath as a wide smile stretched over her lips. She swallowed what little saliva she had left and looked straight at his black eyes. "I don't promise I will do that. I am the one at fault here not life. I have been asking myself for a while but… you can see this, right?" she pointed at her messy curly hair like it wasn't something special.

"See what? Your ginger hair."

"Exactly, ginger. No one sees ginger ya know. Everyone sees it as grey. It's surprising to see you calling it ginger. Sometimes, I have the feeling some people are aware of it but mostly, the ones beside me don't know that."