Golden Reminiscence

In those times of the swords, of armies with their ambition to invade castles and towns, causing their plunder, their rifts in bodies and their theft relied on as invading for the greater cause, walls stood up. There were two types of walls; one around Revampirina to make humans inside it under control and to make them believe that there are other cities and towns outside; the second one was to keep other dark creatures from emerging inside and keep the lands safe and the business prosper.

Duncan's castle was one of the many safe zones that constituted a shelter for the damned souls. It was near the second wall, far from the city, he had to run a great distance to be in. It was in a desolated area that no one visited. He had one of those usual mornings taking care of his golden flowers. The castle was perfect in his eyes. Even if many talked about its poor state, it was perfect. It was still a safe zone, but only for one soul.

He liked helping humans sometimes. It was for a strange reason. He was cruel sometimes as well. He imagined himself and he often did it on top of one of the four towers. There was a time, he had a strange conversation with an old vampire who hated humans. It made him see life from a different perspective, like an observer, acting only when necessary, complementing the actions of the World, like an invisible hand. He gauged the worth of the Golden Reminiscence and moved his hand caressing the petals.

The strange man told him he loved a human and appreciated her in a long and faraway past. However, she left him the first thing he told her what he was. He watched her smiling at another man the same way she did to him and saw her happy ending while he was tormented by the feelings she conjured deep within him. He was a young lad and he didn't know that humans and vampires could never be together. It was a gamble to take, a lesson to learn.

"And what did you do after that?"

"I gave them both the ending they deserved. I let her give birth to a child and snatched it away. She watched me feed on it and screamed until she was broken. Sometimes, when people don't take responsibility for what they did, you just have to teach them how to take it."

"And what did she do?"

"I watched her beg me to kill her. Do you know that feeling when you see the prey that turned to something drop down to prey level again? I was excited and I wanted her to beg me more. I destroyed every part of her life until she didn't have any energy to beg for more then I bit her, filling her body with my power, only this time, I watched her beg me to give her more pain. It was thrilling."

It was obvious the vampire played with her at his heart content until he was sick of her then threw her to the dogs. Duncan pushed the memories away and returned to his room. He got dressed in his military uniform; the one the boys wear at school and ran to the building. He didn't forget to take a Golden Reminiscence with him; he put it gently in his pocket.

He walked in the corridors knowing his destination; since knowing he has been constantly absent. It wasn't like the special class reserved for the condemned was full of them. It was all normal. No one was there and the teacher was often absent.

"Everyone needs a push to the greater cause. There is no law in this world that doesn't work for the benefit of our country. The new rules have made a great contribution to making people obedient. With obedience, everything will be organized. I don't like those ruffians that think they have the right to voice out their false ideals. The authorities made a great decision when they decided to make them perish under their gunshots. It only shows how their regime is powerful and worthwhile. I only follow the flow of Power," a silence followed for a few minutes, "Broken glasses can be filled with anything, as long as it is enough to fill the holes."

"You are too much. I cannot believe the atrocity that comes from your mouth. Let the poor girl grow up and be a good person; Sierra doesn't need your stupid words or your presence. What are you after? I know you… Will you search for the pleasure between her mother's legs, as you always do?"

Duncan slowed his steps and lent his ears to the conversation that mentioned Sierra's name. The woman spat on the man and left in a hurry. She walked past by him and upon seeing him, she lowered her head and kept on her path. He narrowed his eyes and moved back to his path. It wasn't like him to care for stupid conversations but he was curious about that man. As he was near the roof, he saw Elijah going down the stairs in a hurry to attend to his classes. He had a wide smile on his face and two orbs in his eyes showing the excitement of a teenager.

"So you had company. I thought you would be thinking of a way to beg me. Are you finally thinking of enjoying life?"

Sierra blinked countless times as she processed his words and then remembered what he meant. She moved next to him in her usual smiling face with a hint of mischief. "What will you do if you want to enjoy life? I was just being courteous to someone I helped."

"Accepting his proposal for a date is being so much courteous… Aren't you tired from smiling too much? If it was a true smile then I accept it but Don't shower me with your fake expressions."

Her jubilant tone turned despondent and the vibrancy in her stance shifted to dull colours. She wore a shirt and skirt like all other girls but she added black leggings hiding her skin. "Do you have to ruin moments like these?"

She looked at her clenched hand then her eyeballs moved to his ears. They were normal but he was able to hear what Elijah and she were talking about. Her hands shifted near them to check if there was anything wrong with them. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. She let out a small scream.

"Ah!" he exclaimed. "Music to my ears. What do you think you are doing? You see… My ears are quite sensitive."

She tried to free her hand but his grip was so tight. She tried to return his grip but it wasn't as good as he did it. "Okay, I promise I will not try to touch them again. Now, you are really hurting me."

"I know. What's the purpose of squeezing your hand? You should have kept your hands within your grasp if you didn't want me to hurt you."

"It's strange that you heard us talking… I only wanted to know if you had the ears of a donkey because you know, they have excellent hearing abilities," she screamed as he kept releasing her hand then grabbing it again quickly without her noticing. It was a funny sight to behold. She tried to free herself again but she couldn't. "Okay… Now… I want my hand back, you jerk. You are seriously hurting me." She hit him repeatedly, this time on his chest. "I will never beg you to kill me. If you are doing this for that sake then don't give your expectations flatteries. Keep away from me. From now on! You are annoying."

"You are stubborn. If you said please, I would have released you earlier. What a waste of time!" he grinned.

She glared at him as he let go of her hand, grabbed her schoolbag and left. She didn't even glance back. "Wait. I mean it's only courteous to ask politely. You were courteous to another one and you didn't want to do the same for me," he slid next to her as she was practically running down the stairs and grabbed her arm. "Okay, I am sorry. But you are so fun to tease. How about we spend another moment together? You know like the night under the fireflies."

"You can stay in your home to masturbate."

"Why would I do that when I have someone like you talking to me?" he pulled the Golden Reminiscence from his pocket and handed it to her. "As an apology, I am gifting you this."

She picked it up and threw it on the ground without even looking at it then kept moving forward. She felt slight guilt and turned her head to check on it then found it peculiar. It was shaped in a strange occurrence; she had never seen a flower like it. She returned and picked it up. "Now, you can masturbate freely."

He raised an eyebrow then laughed. She had a smile when she was leaving.