Acting for the best

Sierra looked at the sky and drank its rich blue color that was the only thing that had colors in her surroundings. Yet, the blue drifted leaving space to the grey of the clouds. It was drifting, drifting like her reason to live. It has been two days since she has seen her father. The best course of action would be to get rid of her by giving her to the orphanage she came from. Little did she know, no orphanage had seen her or gave her clear papers of her identity. She was found on a rainy day and was given the name of a dead daughter on the same day.

"Do you know what I need in all this?" they sat on the ground for quite some time, Elijah with a face down and her, with a face towards the sky. Intoxicated with the feeling of the burden she believed she was, she placed a hand on her knee. Her sitting position wasn't any elegant like Alicia said. "I need to get away from all this, Elijah."