Certainly a weird counsellor

"What would happen if you were there? What would you feel at that moment?" his gaze moved from her to the paper he was holding with one hand while writing with the other.

"Aren't graveyards associated with the final resting place? I guess I would feel peaceful."

"We don't guess here. We are here to understand your state of mind," his voice was almost hypnotizing. She wondered if he did the same thing to her supposed-to-be mother to bring him inside her father's house. "How would you feel if the shadow existing in that picture… came out of a grave. Do you know the graveyard keeper?"

"Isn't he someone mentioned in a story made for children?" he nodded, his lips twisting into a smile twice. "I would feel scared and nervous. I will want to get away as fast as I could. Nothing coming out of a graveyard can be synonym of good."