The second meeting

There was the night again and she gently tucked in her blanket waiting for the sleep to kick in. She had smoked for the first time and her body didn't like it; she didn't feel calm, she felt horrible instead. This time, she closed her eyes wishing to have a good dream and banishing any thoughts of Duncan in her mind. His absence had only made her grew attached to him. They argued and it was the last thing they shared before he disappeared. Was he dead? In her mind, this disappearance wasn't ordinary. All that disappeared were reported as dead the next few weeks.

Sierra turned around thinking of Duncan harder, wondering where he was at the moment, what he was doing and especially, was he thinking of her as she did. She avoided all the places he used to go to and even the cemetery. "Should I just go to visit my teacher and take something with me?" she whispered to herself, eyes half-closed.