Nothing goes right

Sierra got all wet but she was laughing like no other day. It was funny playing with water without care. They kept struggling for the shower head for a while until Elijah noticed her shirt that stuck to her skin. He had girlfriends before but not one with big sponges like her. This made him shy away and avert his eyeballs fixing her lips. He stopped struggling for the shower head and put up his hands in surrender. Sierra stayed in the tub, giggling.

They locked eyes for a moment and the air turned charged. She let go of the object in her hand and came closer to him. In her eyes, Elijah wasn't there. It was Duncan bringing her to him and putting his lips over hers. In that moment, she wrapped her arms around his head and they kissed passionately. It wasn't because she loved Elijah; she liked the guy, he was nice and great. He was there when no one cared and listened to her. He even put up with all her crazy speech and bought her ice cream even if he wasn't rich.