the third test

Three hundred years, seventy-five days, six hours, fifteen minutes… The Ambrosia glanced at her heart-shaped gold watch pinned to the tip pf her bodice; she meant it to be there for only her eyes to feast upon it. It was a watch that had seen all up and lows of her life, belonging previously to her only brother. Her tiny face flickered in front of the magic mirror. It was one that would make a vampire appear as they intended to be and she wanted to have a fairer face than she had; there was someone who stole her son from her and caused his death.

She thought that if her son grew up seeing all the beauty in the world, no one would tempt him away from her; he would be the Emperor of Zaskuaria and someone obeying her wishes. However, he died and she stayed. He left her to go to where her brother was.