I love you

She was looking around her desk, under her desk, anywhere that could be where she let her necklace fall. It was her collar, a present he brought to her. It was a reminder of positive thought that kept her going; he remembered her even when he was away from her. People usually forget someone or something when they didn't see him or her for a long time. If it wasn't important, it would fade and be replaced by something else.

She walked back the whole road looking for it, even the teacher's desk. There was nothing. Fear grew in her heart. She wasn't supposed to lose it. Alicia came to her, all suspicious and asking for friendship, could it be she took it away? Did she steal it? But how could she do that when she was confident she had it when she was with Adele?

As the thoughts swarmed in her head, she kept looking, overlooking the fact that night had already laid its dark veils and the moon was high in the sky.

"I have to hurry to find it. I can't lose it."