I need to become stronger

Duncan and Baldassare landed in the Unnamed stones with Sierra's body. It was still sleeping soundly as if the soul was still inside it. As soon as they set foot inside the cemetery land, the Grave Grim emerged from the ground in a mist of shadows. Technically, the shadows and evil spirits also the Lingerings wouldn't be able to do anything to him. It was his recklessness that made him get trapped in a strange spell. There were some witches that had afterlife powers but he didn't expect there were some still existing in these dark times.

The vampire Overseer looked around searching for a comfortable bed but there were only stones, graves and dry flowers left several days ago. Since becoming Overseer, he wasn't an executor anymore so he wouldn't bury the ones he killed unjustly anymore. The cemetery was as good as dead and forgotten. Seeing how the golden eyes glanced everywhere, the Grave Grim made his tail thicker and offered it as a bed.