I want to become stronger

The voice was familiar enough that she recognized it from the first word. Sierra raised her head quickly looking towards the source of the voice. She couldn't believe her eyes; she had many questions, especially about the things Baldassare told her. Was he really her neighbour? Did they play together when they were children? Was it the reason why he bought her?

He was folding his arms around his chest, observing her with his golden eyes. She squinted and rubbed her eyes, checking if it was really him. She didn't want it to be an illusion. She got up from the bed but her foot got caught in the sheet and almost caused her to fall. However, she adjusted herself quickly. She didn't want to fall first thing she saw him again. Duncan didn't budge from his position, even when he saw her almost falling. He thought she would never accept someone's help. She got her necklace back and got out from the problems she faced with the help of her luck.