A strange castle (1)

It was a long trip to the library and like the previous visit, she found everything hovering in the air, floating with an eerie feeling. The castle fed on her and she intended to take the most of it. She wondered why it didn't take from the vampires living in it but thinking about it, vampires didn't have pure mana. It was tainted with darkness and the castle was made in a way that it would only absorb pure mana.

"Ah," Baldassare exclaimed behind her. "The last time I came here, I was thrilled. Do you know how many books appeared after you showed up. I wanted to keep reading and gain more knowledge but the Lord had to take you away."

"It's not like if I go the library will disappear."

"No, that's the case, missy," he smiled. "The library turned back to the way it was. All the books left here were only the ones I read before and they weren't even interesting."

"Oh," she flushed for a strange reason. "A pixy told me the castle fed on my mana."