The unicorn

"If I keep kissing you, you will lose all senses and I won't be able to see what you planned to show me."

He helped her sit down and looked at her, biting and sucking her lower lip. He wanted to give her another round of kissing. However, he needed to get to the bottom of his identity. He wanted to leave but to do that, he had to take care of everything and know everything about Aurora and him. He also wanted to know why Aurora was important to the Empress.

The world where they belonged wasn't easy but as long as they were together, things could be better. If he got rid of the Empress' shadow, he would be able to do anything. Duncan looked at the tree with a nostalgic expression. Aurora thought that it symbolized something for him but soon enough, he explained the story behind that tree.

"Did you eat?" he mumbled but she heard him… She flushed, which meant it wasn't the case. "I didn't eat as well. Let's grab a bite then see what I need to know."