What am I?

She liked to be called Aurora and right now, Sierra didn't seem her thing. She grew used to Aurora and now Sierra felt different. She was still sitting on his bed when she felt him move away from the door. She knew there was something he was hiding but somehow, she didn't want to ask about it. There was a secret fear deep within her.

She got up from the bed and moved to the mirror.

"What did he mean, Grave Grim? Or should I call you Ernie?" she didn't know how to feel anymore.

Ernie came out of her shadow, his reflection appearing bigger than usual. He knew that the unicorn's words would have affected her, even when she didn't show it. Must he explain what she was and what truly happened? It wasn't her fault that she was in a situation like that. The best thing to protect her was to take her to a land where she would be away from everything; Revampirina was the best one compared to other kingdoms.