A cage for monsters

It was as if her heart was ripped apart or rather stabbed. What did he mean by the vessel she was in was Sebastien's daughter? What did he mean by that her father meant good but it was all wrong from the beginning? Wasn't it supposed to make her happy? She was partially his daughter. Even if her soul wasn't originally his daughter, the body belonged to his daughter.

Her eyes opened wide, staring at him for what seemed an eternity. She hated herself in that moment because something came to her mind. Did it mean that Sebastien only cared for her because he sensed it was the body of his daughter? They say parents had a sixth sense that made them care for their kin. Was it the case here?

She slapped his hands away and stepped back a meters from him, her eyes still on him. She couldn't believe what her mind was able to come up with in that moment.