Rosa Maria la Borrega's (Sheep's) Birth

I was born in a busy hospital. Born out of love by two immigrant and religious parents. I had birthdays like everyone else. I was thought of as lucky to have been born in the land of opportunity. The sad thing is that many don't want you here when you come from the land of the sun and the house of the moon also known as México.

This is stolen land from many indigenous people and the descendants of the old world believe it's theirs.

My name is a very Mexican name, though it has vanished with the wind. No one calls me Rosa Maria anymore. Instead, they call me Borrega a.k.a sheep. This nickname was given to me for my very curly hair. To make it even funnier my Chinese zodiac is the ram, close enough right?

I found this name offense and annoying when I was young, but now I like it. Maybe I will be able to become a Nagual, a human that's a witch who becomes an animal at will. Knowing my parents they would say " eso es cosa del Diablo" (That is the devil's thing).

It can't be something evil.

Animals meant a lot to our ancestors. As someone who comes from indigenous people that can't be considered evil right?